Chapter 43

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Emma's POV:

Y/n waltzed over to the empty seat next to Ray and sat down, still holding a smug smirk. What is she up to? "Really? That's good isn't it?" Oliver spoke and Y/n laughed lightly. "I suppose you could say that." I clenched my fists and stared at her in anger. "If you knew something why didn't you tell us!? Who knows what we could be doing with that information!"I yelled at her to which I stood up while she remained un-phased. She just sat there and waited until I sat down again to talk. "You're right. I do know of an ally that we have and a very good one at that. Though, I'm sure you'll have a different opinion about his ideals."

   "What do you mean by that?" I tried to calm down as I sat back in my chair. How is she calm about this? Also a he? Could she know William Minerva? She shrugged slightly "he goes by the name William Minerva." Everyone's heads snapped in Y/n's direction when she said that. "You know William Minerva?!" I yelled again while she just nodded. Ray opened his mouth to speak but Y/n cut him off. "If your wondering, I haven't made direct contact with him, I only know his allies but I know he's still around."
"We'll do you know when we can meet him? If we can get to him and maybe-" "slow down Emma" this time it was Yuugo who spoke up. I turned to him slightly "there has to be a reason that he hasn't contacted us yet if he is around." I blinked and then sat down.

   What would that reason be? As if Ray heard my thoughts he answered my question. "It must be for safety reasons. Maybe the reason he hasn't contacted us is because there's other people looking for us." Y/n smiled slightly at Ray's conclusion before speaking again. "Well, as far as I know Ray, he's going to try and contact us soon I don't know when and I don't know if there are other people hunting us. What I do know is that sooner or later we're going to have to leave this shelter. So be on edge and be around that phone whenever you can." Yuugo grunted "I'm not leaving" before standing up and walking away and out of the room. Oliver and Lucas got up to go after him but Lily stopped them. "He'll leave when push comes to shove. Don't worry"

The rest of the day was basically a blur and that turned into two days and then into a week. We had been waiting near to phone for almost the whole week. I tried to get more information out of Y/n but she won't budge. I even tried Ray and Lily. I'm not sure weather I want to ask Marko or not because it can go one of two ways: 1) Y/n didn't tell her and she might get mad at Y/n for not telling her. Or 2) she knows something but most likely won't say anything. I groaned and leaned back in the chair we had set in the secret room. The small door slid open and in came Y/n, Ray, Marko, Don, and Gilda. All right after each other. I stood there confused at their sudden appearance and cocked an eyebrow. Don spoke up, "Y/n thinks today might be the day."

I looked to Marko for a reaction but got none. Maybe Y/n told Marko even before she told the rest of them. They are best friends after all. Just then the phone began to ring and everyone's heads snapped in that direction. I slowly walked over to the phone and reached out to grab it. Y/n laughed and stuck her tongue out at Marko who did the day back. I picked up the phone and a message began to play.

Y/n POV:

     The phone began to speak and Norman's voice was projected from it. Though, it was slightly modified to sound deeper and more mature. I stood for a second and zoned out, hearing nothing but a buzz like noise in my ears. It felt like tears were slipping from my eyes but I'm not sure why. I turned and left the room. I'm sure the others gave me questioning looks but I ignored it. When I finally snapped out of my trance like state I was in the kitchen. When was the last time I even ate? I poked hat my stomach. How much weight did I lose? I felt so skinny and I could feel my ribs protruding more than usual. Carter walked into the room as I was poking at my stomach. "Y/n? What are you doing? Shouldn't you be with Marko and the others?" I glanced at him while the buzzing noise in my ears increased.

   I blinked slightly. Where did he say I was supposed to be again? "Huh?" I walked closer to me "weren't you just with Marko and a few of the others earlier? You did say that you thought something was going to happen today." Carter shrugged a little bit. "Oh, uh- yeah your right but I got a little headache so I decided to leave." I lied to him. "Where did you, uh, where did you say they were again?" He looked at me suspiciously. "In the secret room?" He made his words sound more like a question than and answer. Oh, I remember now. I smiled slightly at him before walking back to the secret room. When I entered I recalled all that was happening when I left. "What was on the call?" Emma and Ray glanced at me.

    "It was about how we can make a new promise if we find the 7 walls." I scrunched up my nose. What was that again? The 7 walls? It sounded important but I couldn't figure out where I'd heard it. So, I simply nodded my head. "I'm thinking we're gonna go looking for the 7 walls." Emma spoke with a slight determination. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by Emma again while everyone else just shifted uncomfortably. "Y/n, I don't think- I don't think you should come with us." I rose an eyebrow and glanced around the room. "Well, why not?" Ray spoke up this time. "Look it's just better if you stayed here." Buzzing. That's really all that I could hear but my brain still found a way to reply. "How's that? Wouldn't you think that I'm perfect for going on a trip like this?"

   The person I least expected to talk finally did. "Y/n your not well. As in, you need to rest. So staying hear is the best option." I could feel my eyelids start to droop down a bit over my eyes. "Oh."

Word count: 1158
(A/n: sorry it's so late I've not been doing the best lately and on top of that, I'm quite busy. I'm trying though.)

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