Chapter 46

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I tensed at his accusation. I'm pretty sure he was right. It's just that no food has an appeal right now. I looked away from Ace, feeling his disapproving gaze. "Here eat some of this." He grabbed my hand and stuck the can in my hand. I looked down at the can of what looked like soup. It looked extremely disgusting in my eyes. I felt myself gag at the idea of even trying it so I just set it down. "I can't" Ace grunted "what do you mean you can't?" I grimaced "I can't eat it" I uttered. Ace just sighed and ate what was left in the can. "You should go to bed Ace, you'll need your strength tomorrow." I stood from the fire and walked over to the tree we had stopped under. It would be safer for me to watch from up in the tree. Though, it's a lot warmer down by the fire.

   I hopped up into the tree and sat on a low branch, watching for a few hours as Ace eventually fell asleep. I could tell he was trying ti out last me. It didn't work in his favor though. I layed back onto the tree and glanced up at the stars. They remind me of the time me and Ray watched- what were those bugs called again? I can't remember but I know they were extremely captivating. At least, in my eyes. I heard a twig snap next to me and shot up, looking all around me for the source of the sound. I glanced down at the camp fire and noticed that it had almost gone out. It must've been the crackling of the coals then. I sat up straight and turned to my right. "Gah!" I jumped at the sight of an owl sitting right next to me.

   An owl. Just the kind I need to find too. It blinked at me and I blinked back. It's eyes clicked and began projecting something in front of me. It was was the coordinates for Norman's hideout I assume. I searched my pockets and my bag for a pen only to come up short. "Damn it" I muttered under my breath. "You, wait here ok?" I pointed at the owl and jumped from the tree. The load noise of my landing woke Ace and startled him quite a bit. He grabbed his tuna and was about to shoot when he noticed it was me. He sighed "Y/n you scared the shit outta me." I chuckled a bit before speaking "Ace you wouldn't happen to have a pen on you would you?" I pressed the pads of my fingers together with a sheepish smile. He smirked just a little bit before pulling a pen from his pocket. "You mean this pen?" I grinned at him.

"I need that! It'll take us to him! Please..." my smile dropped as I talked. Only now did I realize that I missed Norman. I missed him more than the others, and I knew why. It's because I knew he was alive. Emma and the others thought he was dead so it was easier to cope for them. Ace handed me the pen and I climbed back up into the tree. The owl was still there to my relief and projecting coordinates. I quickly input the coordinates into the pen and the owl flew away. A map showed up and it held our location and Norman's location. It looked like around a weeks worth of walking but if me and Ace run we could probably make it there in a little under three days. "Ace pack up your things, it's time to go!" I yelled from the tree.

   There was a bit of rustling below the tree and then a yell "I'm ready to go!" I hopped down from the tree and saw Ace ready to go, waiting for my orders. I nodded at him and he nodded back. I knew the direction we needed to go in so I turned that way and started sprinting. Ace followed but was behind by a few meters. "How long do you think you can run at this speed?" I turned to look back at him. "Five hours at most!" He yelled back at me. Damn it. That's not long enough! I was hoping to get 12 hours of running in before stopping. That's not even half! I made a quick decision, one that I'll probably regret. I stopped and Ace slowed to a stop next to me, already huffing out ragged breaths.

   I searched my surroundings hoping, praying to whatever god there was that I would find what I need. As though someone had answered my prayers I saw a familiar land mark. It was a large tree with a root pulled from the ground. Tunnel. "Ace, come with me." I spoke sternly and cast a harsh gaze in his direction. I didn't want to be mean, or commanding but it's for his own good. Hell, he'll probably hate me after this. I soon found the entrance to the tunnel and led Ace deep into them. I took a few twists and turns. Enough to confuse Ace's mind. If I'm lucky he won't even remember when he wakes up. "Y/n, what are we doing down here?" I looked back at his confused face. My eyes became glassy. I don't want to do this. I'm betraying his trust. But if I don't then he could die because of my impatience.
      "Do it. It's better to leave him, rather than have him leave you. Like the others. You're better off on your own."

   I clenched my fist. "Ace..." I croaked out as a tear slipped from my eyes he saw the look in my eyes and tried to move only to realize he had been frozen in place. "Y/n, don't do thi-" he didn't have time to finish his sentence before he was knocked unconscious by a hard chop to the back of the neck. I cringed as I let go of my hold on his body and he hit to floor. He had enough food to last him a week and a half and a heavy duty flashlight. I poked my finger into the dirt and wrote. 'I'm sorry. Stay put. I'll be back in under a week. If it takes longer then assume I'm dead.' I looked down at his frame slumped onto the ground. I quickly sat him up against the earth wall. "I'm sorry Ace." I stood and turned away, sprinting out of the tunnels and into the forest again.

   Alright. Let's get this over with so I can get back to Ace. Norman, I'm coming for a visit.

Word count: 1126

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