Chapter 16

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Gilda POV:

      I looked down at the letter y/n had given me. Why did she have to go? I silently sobbed as I held the letter close to my chest. I started to wonder what was in the letter as my crying died down. Very carefully I opened the letter, trying not to rip any of the envelope.

     'Dear Gilda,  if you're reading this I would like to inform you that I'm dead, well I think so anyway. I haven't much instruction for you but, when you're finished reading this letter, go speak to Norman. Ok, I'm almost positive that Mama will find out that you and Don know about the secret. Did you ever wonder why you and the others listened in on the meeting with Krone? It was for this plan. I'm entrusting this information to you and only you, Krone is on our side. It might be hard to believe but, she's a good person, she's been through more than we have and is only trying to survive. She's only human, treat her like one and you'll be fine. I've convinced her to join our side but, it won't be for long. Mama knows, well thinks, that Krone is trying to catch the children who know the secret. With this information Mama will have her killed.'

Mama's going to kill Krone? I thought while I shook violently while sitting in the pantry. Why would she do that? I asked myself. As more questions swirled in my mind I turned my gaze back to the letter in my hands.

'I would never want to pressure you into doing anything so please know that you're always going to be my little sister. We might not be blood related but I'll always trust you. When you go to talk to Norman I want you to ask him about the plan I left him. If he asks tell him I told you about it. He'll tell you the plan. Good luck. Stay safe. Stay alive. Your sister -Y/n'

I finally finished my letter from Y/n, tears welling in my eyes. Norman! I thought and jumped up from the crate I was sitting on. I ran out of the storage room as quietly as I could and rushed to Norman's shared room that I hoped only had him in it. Soon I burst through the door. "Norman! I need to talk to you!" I yelled and he just sat there looking at me. "It's about Y/n" I told him before going to sit on his bed. He continued to look at me and I chose to speak before he questioned me. "Y/n told me... she told me that I should ask you about the plan and said that you would explain them to me!" I said in a rushed tone.

It took him a minute to register what I said and before nodding. "Uhh, she wants us to keep playing tag in teams, to train the kids to use their minds and bodies, finally she told me about the wall. It's a cliff, but she also told me a way to get everyone out without being followed for the most part. She told me about her idea of zip lining across. She said the rest was up to me, and I assume since you're here that means you too." Norman explained to me as I just sat awestruck. How could she come up with all this without even consulting any of us. Y/n is a real genius! I gush in the inside before I remember that she's- she's gone. It really sank in that time.

Meanwhile elsewhere:

Y/n POV:

      I did a little victory dance in my head. Hell yeah! I was right, and I don't have to die right now! I looked around the room and saw a rat looking man. "Y/n, I would tell you that this is your new father but, we both know that's not true." Mama spoke in a stern tone but it wasn't directed to me, instead it was directed to the man standing in the room. "Ahh, so this is the grace field genius? Is it not?" The man spoke in a sickening tone. I really wanted Mama to lie to him and say I wasn't what he had said but it was true from what I know. "Indeed it is sir." Mama still had a stern demeanor and but a surprisingly comforting hand on my shoulder.

       The man kneeled down next to me "hi there Y/n" he said sweetly. I wasn't falling for his act though. I only stared blankly at him, I won't show any emotion. "So, are you gonna take me to that testing farm yet?" I asked him coldly. He looked astonished when I asked him that. "What's it called again? Lambada?" I questioned him, "w-well I don't know how you've gained this information but yes, yes I am going to take you there." His tone suddenly changed from the sweet one to serious one. "Is that so? What kind of test do you do there? What do you do it for?" I spit out lots of questions, which to my surprise he  answered some. "We do lots of testing, like academic tests and things to develop the cattle children's quality." He continued in his serious voice.

      "You my child are going to be apart of our latest experiment. If you're lucky you'll survive the trials and we can use you to develop better genetics for the cattle children." He said almost to quickly for me to catch but I had caught what he said and got once, I was scared. What he basically said was that if if I fail the experiment that I'll die and if I lived and succeed with the trails they'll use me as a breeding tool. I almost threw up at the thought of that. No! I'll find a way to survive the experiment and not be used for breeding! I roared in my mind. I refuse to let them win! I continued as the man placed his hand on my lower back, slowly pushing me towards the vehicle in the hallway. "Don't fucking touch me and" I cut myself off.

     "Mama! I'll miss you so much! I love you!" I shouted as I ran to her one last time, embracing her tightly as she returned the gesture. "I love you to my sweet Y/n" she knelt down and kissed me on the forehead. "Take care of them Mama" I said before turning away from her and walked over to the front seat of the vehicle. I hopped into the truck and sat next to the man. "You can't be up here! She was supposed to restrain you in the back of the truck!" He yelled at me. "Shut your trap. I'm not gonna do anything so let's just get this over with." I said in and annoyed tone. He looked a bit offended but then began to drive down the hallway that I'm sure would lead to where I would be spending a good bit of time or at least, some of the more traumatic parts.

Word count: 1210

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