Chapter 3

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Y/n POV:

"Lily. Can you make me one of those flower crowns?" A six year old me asked. "Sure but you have to meet me in our special place ok?" She said "ok!" I shouted running into the forest. "Hurry up Lily!" "I'm coming don't worry" she said sitting down in the field of wildflowers. When she was done making the flower crown she told me to come to her. "Here, now whenever you see these you'll think of me." When she placed the crown on my head everything changed.

Now all I can see is the tunnel where everyone died. I turned around and I saw a horrific sight. Conny and Lily's corpses sprawled out on the ground. Then they stood up "you failed, you couldn't save us so how are you going to save anyone else." "I-I tried" I said falling to the ground in tears. "But your right I am a failure" "no y/n, your not" I heard and turned around. "X-Xavier" I said falling backwards, he was dead but smiling at me. "You're one of the best people I've ever met" after hearing that I got up running to hug him. "I'm sorry and I'll do everything in my power to keep them safe." I said crying and then I woke up.

I woke up gasping for air and tears streaming down my face. "Xavier" I whispered, I never got the chance to tell him the secret so he just got shipped out like everyone else. Helping me study my butt off even before I knew the secret. He's also the one who taught me how to run through the trees.

Feeling something touch my shoulder I looked over only to see Ray. "It's alright, was it a nightmare?" He said then embracing me, who's currently crying into his shoulder. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked, I shook my head. "Ray, what is it like having someone related to you around you all the time?" I asked quietly and he just looked surprised as he pulled away from the hug. "W-what do you mean-" "it was a little obvious, well to me anyways. I don't think anyone else knows." I said looking at my lap. "Y/n what are you talking about?" he said "are you really that dense?" I asked looking back up at him.

"Forget it" I said standing up to leave. "Y/n you can tell me" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me back into a hug. "Please, don't you think I have a right to know if I'm related to someone here?" he asked, I just nodded in response. I think he knew I wasn't going to answer and that he had to figure it out for himself. Then the both of us decided to go to the library grabbing my blanket.

When we got to the library I grabbed my favorite book. Peter Pan. I don't know what book he had but we went up the ladder and started reading. About halfway through my book I fell asleep having a normal dream this time. About being at never land with everyone.

I soon woke up to Norman shaking me and Ray awake. "What were you two doing up here?" He asked "it doesn't matter but be down for breakfast soon, okay?" He finished as I nodded standing up to go get ready. I smiled at them as Norman helped Ray stand up "it's official Norman, your in charge of waking me up!" I shouted running to the edge of the loft. Then I grabbed the sides of the latter sliding down and running out of the library. Then I ran into the bathroom to change and redo my hair.

Rays POV:

"Well she seems to be in a good mood today" Norman said climbing down the latter "yeah" I said 'but it's all a lie, she's actually dying on the inside.' I thought "so you ever gonna tell her?" Norman asked slyly giving me a smirk as I came down the latter. "What are you ta-" "I can see it in your eyes, Ray you have feelings for her." He told me "whaa, I do not!" I yelled at him and then looking down, "so what if I do." I said walking away.

Y/n POV:

When I finished doing my hair I ran to the stairs, sliding down the railing. "Morning" I said running past everyone and into the dining hall. Then I ran to the back door "where are you going y/n?" I heard Mama ask me "oh I just remembered where Lily used to make those flower crowns and I wanted to go before I forget where it is." I said "oh, well then, I suppose I'll save you some breakfast. Oh and why didn't you sleep in today I said you could." She said "well because Norman woke me up and I want to go to the flower patch and your the best bye Mama!" I yelled running out the door.

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