Chapter 21

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Y/n POV:

      I woke up to a very sudden jerk. I shot up and assumed that it was the truck that had moved. I looked to my right and saw that Ace was still out cold. I tried to shake him awake but to no avail. I soon heard talking from the doors at the end of the truck and lied back down, fake sleeping. "They're both failed experiments but one of them is premium meat from grace field. I'm sure you have a great time with that one. I'm not so sure about the other one though." I heard someone speak and then the doors flew open. At first I thought about running but then I remembered that Ace was still here and I can't just leave him behind.

     "So are they both still asleep?" Someone different asked. "Yes, it'll be quite easy to move them." The fist person spoke before I felt a thud towards the end of the truck. I tried to keep my eyes closed and unmoving as much as possible. If whoever this is saw my eyes moving under my eyelids then I would be caught. "I'll get the girl, you get the other one." The same voice spoke and then the second voice cut in. "Oh, no need, I can carry the both of them" I heard it say before another thud was heard at the end of the truck. Followed by heavy footsteps towards me and Ace. I was completely calm until I felt a very large hand grasp my torso. I had a creeping suspicion that this hand wasn't human either.

      "But, sir are you sure that you're able to carry the both of them?" The fist voice asked "oh yes indeed. They're quite light I might add." I head the second voice answer before taking what felt like three steps and hopped out of the truck. "Now, I think it's about time we got them onto the hunting grounds, don't you think?" The one who was carrying me and I assume Ace asked. "Yes, lord Bayon, before the wake up."

     We have been walking for what I assume is ten minutes but I can't check Rays pocket watch to check so I just layed limp in the hand of whatever was carrying me. Also what the hell did they mean by hunting ground? If this is a place that demons are in charge of the how come I've never heard of it? I know basically every there is to know about demon civilization and farms that they have. So, where the fuck did rat man send me? I was letting all of these thoughts lose in my mind when I was suddenly set harshly onto the ground. I didn't know what to do so I just layed there. After about five minutes I couldn't hear them anymore so I slowly opened my eyes.

     I sat up and noticed that there was nobody around me. Then I stated to panic. Where is Ace? Shit I just met him and I'm not about to lose him. I scrambled to my feet and took a good look around me. I seemed to be in some type of village. The village seemed to be very brightly colored but still no people. I looked around again and took a very close inspection of everything. I spotted something shiny and black out of the corner of my eye. I walked over to the alleyway that it was in and I picked the object up. "Oh fuck yeah!" I whispered excitedly as I held the small hand gun. I looked around once more and spotted some trees in the distance. Trees are my specialty so I started to sprint towards them.

     Suddenly some weird music started to play. The music was somewhat calm but there was an underlying creepiness. I ran faster towards the trees. If I make it there I'll have a better view of this place. It took my a few seconds to get into the tree, considering that the branch's were a lot high up than the ones at the house.  Once I was up as high as I could get I looked around and saw what I wished I hadn't. I saw about five demons walking into the town. My eyes widened and I gripped the hand gun tighter. What the fuck is going on? I thought while taking a better look at the town. In the distance I saw a bit of movement and I recognized Ace's split white and black hair. I also saw the the group of demons had split up and one of them was headed in Ace's direction.

     I stood up on my brach. My great hearing is coming into play now. I can hear all of the demons footsteps but there's something else. I can hear what sounds like subtle noises of humans. Maybe there's other people here? The person, or what I assume was a demon, said this was a hunting ground so there has to be other 'prey' than just me and Ace. I looked up from my thoughts once more and saw a demon nearing Ace. "Fuck, shit, absolute fuckary!" I whisper shouted under my breath. The tree I was in was about an 11 foot drop, about as tall as the wall back home. So I simply jumped off of the brach and started to sprint with all of my might towards Ace.

      When I finally got to the road that Ace and the demon were on I hid behind a wall to see what would happen, tightly gripping the gun. I looked around the corner and saw the demon crouched over Ace. Shit! The demon was reaching its hand out to grab Ace while he just shook in fear. I ran as fast as I could and slid to a stop in front of Ace. I held the gun out and shot the demons hand. "C'mon Ace get your ass up and let's go!" I yelled at him before grabbing his hand sprinted off. "Y-Y/n, slow down I can't keep up." Ace breathed this out and I turned back to him with a big smile. "I can't or we'll die" I said calmly, considering the circumstances. I looked into Ace's one green eye and one blue eye. "Don't give up on me! Or I'll have to carry you! Because friends don't leave friends behind!" I cheered at him.

     I looked back at the demon and noticed that it had regenerated it hand after I had shot it. It sharply turned its head towards us and my smile grew even wider. Oh, this is getting exciting! Maybe I'll even be able to use my 'super power'. I haven't quite decided what it is yet. At first I thought I might be able to control just things in general but so far it's only been humans. Idiot, learn to use your brain, I know you have one! I heard Ray shout this in my head and it startled me. Just humans? I know I can't control plants either. So that crosses out all living things. So what does a human have that plants don't? I kept thinking before I felt Ace fall to the ground behind me.

      "Fuck" I said when I saw that the dimensions was gaining on us. I picked up Ace and he was quite hefty. A lot more muscle build up than a normal fifteen year old should have. He was heavy but I could still run while holding him. I made it to the next street and lost sight of the demon. My white backpack had managed to stay in place though all of this too. I was running before I felt a hand pull me into an ally. I pulled the gun and stuck it under the persons chin. Wait? A person? I looked at the person and saw that it was a boy, he had white hair with a red streak in it. "Who the fuck are you?" I asked harshly and he still seemed surprised that I had reacted so quickly. "Calm down, my name is Oliver." He answered but I still had a very important question.

"Where the hell am I?"

"Welcome to Goldy pond."

Word count: 1383

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