Chapter 34

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Emma, Lily, Oliver, and Lucas all snap there heads in my direction when I say this. Lucas raises his eyebrow. "Look kid, it's not as easy as you think-" I cut him off with a short laugh. He glared in my direction. "So the Y/n, how do you plan on doing this?" Oliver asks me a simple question and I raid my pointer finger "we kill Levuis." Lucas's eyes widened and he quickly stood from his seat. "Are you crazy Y/n?! I'll tell you right now I've been here for 13 years- you can't kill him!" I leaned into my hip lazily "exactly, you've been hear 13 years Lucas and your still here. I know what to do. After all.." I smirk and point a thumb in Emma's direction "both Emma and I have pens from Minerva."

I looked over to Emma and she shook her head no. "I gave it to Ray." I shrugged, it doesn't really matter as long as I have one. Lucas spoke up again "how did you even know about needing a pen?" Lily who had been quiet for the whole conversation finally spoke up. "Really Lucas, isn't it obvious that Y/n of all people is going to explore?" He sighed and motioned for me to follow him. "Let's go Emma" I started walking and she quickly caught up. "Y/n, I hate to be that person but- how are you not dead?!" She yelled out the last part and I just laughed. I looked back at her and rolled my eyes. "I'm serious! You got shot in the side of your stomach- that was a fatal injury!"

Emma continued to blab on about how I should be dead but I just brushed her off with a smile. "I'll explain everything to you later." She nodded and looked ahead of us again. "Lucas why must you limp so slow?" I started to whine about the pace and he chuckled but soon stopped in front of a door. This door had a particular opening that would fit the pen I held in my pocket. I pulled it out, walking up to the door and sticking the pen in the slot, turning it to the side. The door slowly opened and the three of us walked into a room. It wasn't really a normal room though. It looked like it belonged in a mystical forest. In the room there was a large gold pond that held what looked like a small building in the middle. I took off my brown coat, the one Violet had cut for me and set it on the ground.

I started to wade into the water, expecting it to seep through my clothing. My eyes widened a little in surprise "it's not wet." Emma and Lucas soon followed suit and started to head towards the house in the middle of the pond. Once we made it there and entered the house we realized- it wasn't a house. Merely an elevator disguised as a house. We entered and found another spot to put the pen into. I clicked the pen into place and a voice recording started to play. "I am William Minerva... I am raising the banner of revolution. To give the human world back to finish this "Neverland" once and for all." Emma and Lucas were listening intently to the recording but I unfortunately did what I normally do, I spaced out. Though, this time I didn't have a blank mind.

   While I wasn't paying attention to what Minerva said I was thinking about what's wrong with me. Yeah, weird question I know but- it's one I need an answer to. I think the only way I'll get a real answer though is getting ahold of my file from lambda but it's either been scorched or taken by Norman during his escape from lambda. Maybe, just maybe, there might be a way to fix me hiding in that folder. It might tell me why I've started to suddenly start healing so fast. I mean, last time I checked I was dying in Rays arms. Speaking of Ray- I wonder how him and Marko are holding up. God I miss them. I miss being and idiot with Marko and being able to hug and tease Ray. I miss having weird talks with Emma and playing tag with Norman. I just miss living at the house and pretending everything is just normal. Sometimes I wish I could go back but I know it's better this way.

   "Y/n are you coming?" Emma interrupted my train of thoughts. I nodded at her and followed- acting like I knew what the recording said. I followed her back to the room we passed through. It was the room that we completely ignored but actually seems pretty important now that I look at it. The room looked like a control center of sorts- with screens everywhere. I walked up to the chair in the middle of the setup and sat down. I observed the controls that lay all around me. "Anything useful?" Lucas put his hand on my shoulder, leaning forward to get a better look at things. I shook my head- silently saying no and decided to stand again. "Ok, let's go back up now so I can explain my plan."

We went back up to what I consider Lucas's office and gathered around a table. Lucas cleared his throat as me, Emma, Lily, and Oliver sit down. "Y/n, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but if you don't mind me asking: what was Emma talking about when she mentioned you almost dying?" I blinked. Well fuck. I sweat dropped when Lily and Oliver looked at me with worried looks. "Well... it a long story. One I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear." I covered my mouth nervously and waved my hand at them in dismissal. Emma crossed her arms and huffed. "She was supposed to meet up with the group I was traveling with. It consisted of myself, Ray, Marko, and mister. Well we stopped under a tree and Y/n showed up out of no where and- actually what were you doing in that tree?" Emma ended a part of the story with a question directed at me.

I shrugged. "I thought it would be funny to scare one of you." I rolled my eyes "it's not like I planned on getting shot and almost dying." Oliver (who was sitting ti the left of me) whacked me in the back of my head. I grumbled in pain and mumbled curses at him. "What I want to know is where you got shot so we can patch you up." Lily decided to but in and I looked at her with an awkward looking face. "Yeah, about that... I got shot in the side of my stomach but I don't need any kind of medical attention." I rolled up my jacket a little bit past my belly button and pointed at the new scar. Emma's eyes basically bulged out of her head and she gripped at her hair. "How the hell did you heal so fast?!"

"I... I don't know."

Word count: 1199

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