Chapter 11

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"Wake up idiot" my eyes shot open. "Ray?" I questioned "who else? Time to get up" he spoke slowly. It sounded like he had been awake all night, even though I saw him go to sleep. "Ok!Well, I have some things I need to do today!" I said cheerfully getting up off the ground. "Damn, my back hurts!" I complained stretching out my back. "Ok let's go eat" Ray said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the library. I couldn't look away from our intertwined hands. I feel fuzzy? And warm inside? "Damn it! Stop screeching!" I yelled banging my head with my free hand.

"Are you ok?" Ray stopped and turned to me, staring intently. "Yeah I'm fine. My mental health, not so much. I think I'm finally starting to actually go crazy." I went to play with one of the buns in my hair but found nothing. "Hey Ray did you take my hair out last night?" I asked him as we started to walk downstairs. "Yeah. I think you forgot, but you asked me to because your hair tie was stuck. "Eww I need to put it up!" I yelled, letting go of his hand I ran to the bathroom. "Oh I completely forgot what I looked like with my hair down." I said looking at my reflection.

(Ignore the outfit

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(Ignore the outfit. I'm to lazy to do editing at like 2 in the morning. But that's what her hair looks like.)

"Damn, who new I was hot" I said messing around and doing a dramatic hair flip. "Y/n, what are you doing?" I slowly turned to see Emma and Gilda looking at me like in crazy. "Looking at my hotness, what else?" I smirked at there surprised expressions. "You know what? I feel like wearing my hair down today." I said as I sauntered (dramatically walked) out of the bathroom. "Ahhhh!" Everyone screamed when I walked into the dining hall. Even mama yelped. "The fu-frick are you yelling for?!" I yelled right back before everything went to chaos. Kids were screaming left and right about things like 'the world is ending! Y/n has her hair down!' And 'mama I'm scared!' "Children! Listen up!" I said with a dark aura surrounding me, a tick mark formed on my head. "You're going to stop yelling right now, sit down calmly, and eat breakfast." I said with a sharp voice, almost like I was threatening them.

"I'm done!" I stood up with my plate in hand. "Y/n, we haven't even prayed yet" Norman sweat dropped "mama, can I go, I ate all my food. Plus I have things I need to do!" She looked at me suspiciously "I suppose if you tell me what your going to do." "Sure thing! I'm gonna go write letters in the forest!" I said happily going over and setting my plate into the sink. I walked back over to where most of the younger kids were sitting. "Hey Sherry, do you think I could borrow yours and Jamimas notebook?" I asked looking at her. "Sure thing y/n!" She cheerfully handed me the notebook. "Oh, and Norman Emma! Meet me In the forest when your done! I wanna show you something really cool!" I shouted at them before I walked out the door with it and ran into the forest.

        Man writing is easy. "I shoulda done this a long time ago" I spoke to myself "ok! I've done Emma, Don, Gilda, And Phil. I have Ray and Norman left."  I looked at all the letters I had written and the blank notebook in my hands. Soon I started to jotting down Normans letter. I have everything already in my mind. "And I'm done!" I had finished Normans letter but for some reason I couldn't think of anything to write for Ray. "Oh wait! I forgot about Marko."  I yelled out. Let's see? Wait a second she's getting shipped out too! So why would I write her a letter? "Damn, I'm too dumb for this shit." I whispered to myself.

       "Your not dumb y/n!" Don shouted at me. I looked up to see Emma, Norman, Don, and Gilda walking towards me. "Oh, hi guys! You ready to meet my soul sister?" I smiled and stood up, walking away from the patch of flowers I had been sitting near. "Soul sister? Who's that?" Gilda asked "my best friend that's who." I spoke, remembering my conversation with Marko last night. "Ok but how come we've never met her before?" Don asked me "because she's from a different plant." I said like it was something normal. "Man, I wish you guys woulda found out a long time ago. I coulda cut your trackers out." "Wait y/n, you cut your tracker out? When?" Norman asked "oopsy! I wasn't supposed to say that but, about 3 or so years ago. It'll be 4 next Friday!" I cheered happily "it's my birthday next week!" I was jumping all around while we were walking down the path. I almost stopped jumping when I saw sister Krone giving us a creepy smile, though.

"Aaahhh!" I fake screamed and fell on the ground dramatically. They all sweat dropped, Krone decided to ignore me however. "How dare you ignore me!?" I yelled at them as they continued to talk. I made a 'hmph' noise and turned away from them, criss cross applesauce on the ground. "Y/n, what do you think we should do?" I heard Emma ask me. "Oh, I would agree to whatever she's suggesting." I said nonchalantly, soon after I had spoken they finished the deal with Krone and started walking away. "Hey, wait for me!" I yelled, getting up and running for them, with my hand up.

"Alright guys! We're here!" I yelled, stopping at a very large tree. "This is where Marko, Ruth, Carter, and Luke should be meeting us. "But I thought we were only meeting Marko" Emma said "well you guys need to know more people from there because me and Marko are getting shipped out" I said matter-of-factly. "Oh, so the other people are who we'll be working with?" Emma continued. "Yes Emma." Gilda cut me off, sounding a little annoyed "so uhh, when was all this planned?" Gilda kept speaking "a few days ago, why?" I asked, with a confused head tilt. "Well, it would have been nice to know, is all" "oopsy" I scratched the back of my neck.

         "Anyways what are these people like?" Don broke the tension. All the attention turned to me "umm well, Markos a dumbass, Ruth is a sassy queen, Carter is a speedy gremlin, and Luke is like a smarter version of Don." I said while trying to hold in my laughter because I knew they were all sitting in the tree behind me. "So I'm a dumass now, huh?" Marko jumped from the tree right behind me. I slowly turned to look at her and my walls broke and I fell to the ground laughing.

Word count: 1178

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