Chapter 13

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Ray's POV:

I looked over at the brunette who was writing a letter for me. The way the sun perfectly shown on her face, enhancing her natural beauty. I wonder what's in the letter. I guess I'll know tomorrow, since she's..... she's leaving. Im getting my camera soon but, maybe if I ask Mama she'll let me get it earlier. I want to have a picture of her at the very least. I still had ahold of her left hand and I felt her squeeze my hand. I looked over at her pained expression. "I'm done" she spoke, turning away.

"Ray, I'm scared" she said slowly. Y/n? Scared? I've never heard of that. "Your scared? Of dying?" I questioned her but she shook her head. "I'm scared for you- for the rest of the family. What if my plan fails? What if people die because of my mistakes?" She was looking down at her lap and it seemed like she was gonna cry. I pulled her into a hug and she stiffened but soon loosened up, embracing me back. "I promise I won't let anyone die." I said. I'm sorry y/n but I don't think I'll be able to keep that promise. I looked down to see her response but she had past out. Damn, I thought I had been keeping a good watch on her sleep. She seems exhausted. I looked over her shoulder at the notebook she was writing in, seeing that she hadn't closed it. I said I won't peek, so I won't.

Y/n POV:

The last thing I remember is hugging Ray. My eyes were still to tired to open but I could tell I was being carried. I assumed that Ray was the one who was carrying me but I wasn't entirely sure until I curled into his chest. I could tell it was him because he smelled like the library. I soon heard the bell ring and it made my eyes open drearily. "Look who's awake." Ray said as I looked up at his face. "Thanks for carrying me but you don't have to." I said trying to get out of his hold but he had other ideas. "You haven't been sleeping well lately so, let me carry you okay?" He said it sort of like a question but a little more like a demand. I didn't move anymore, just relaxed and closed my eyes again. I could feel us start to ascend up a hill and I assumed we were back at the house.

        "Oh my, is y/n ok?" Mama asked, I decided to keep my eyes shut. "She's fine, just got tired and fell asleep in the woods." Ray answered her and I heard the thunder of four pairs of feet running towards us. I opened my eyes knowing that I would be bombarded with questions. "Ray, can we just go to the library?" I whispered to him and he started to walk into the house. We soon reached the library and he set me down in our usual spot. "Thanks Ray" I said as he sat down next to me. "I have things I need to do so-" I started but he cut me off. "I got you a birthday present." He looked at my eyes as they widened. "But my birthday is next week." I said but he ignored me and stood up. "I know that but you won't be here for that so, wait here."

          He left the library and me to sit in my thoughts. I swear if he doesn't say goodbye to me tomorrow I'm gonna slap him. If I'm going there then there must be somewhere you go if things don't work. Or do you get killed? No, they wouldn't kill us because we can be used for research. If Marko isn't gonna be there then I have less things to worry about. From what I hear from Mama she thinks I'm the smartest in the house but, knowing her she's gonna do the same thing to Norman when I leave. If she does that then I can leave Norman in charge of that. I left Emma the details to the plan and I already put everything needed in Norman's letter. I'm done with Ray's but there's two more I need to do. Marko's and Phil's.

           About two minutes later Ray walked in holding a small box. I smiled at him as he sat down. He handed the box to me and I started to shake it. "Don't shake it! It's fragile!" He shouted "geez I'm just messing" I smirked. I started to untie the ribbon on top of the box. When I was done with that I took the lid off. I saw a beautiful music box necklace. I looked over at Ray, astonishment clear on my face. "It's beautiful" I spoke, turning back to it.

      I wound it up and waited for it to play music

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I wound it up and waited for it to play music. It started to play a soft tune. "What's this song called?" I asked "Once upon a December" he answered looking at my face. I slowly and carefully put the necklace on, as though it could break at any moment. "But on a more serious note y/n, you seem to know more than you're letting on so, what's gonna happen tomorrow?" Ray asked solemnly "the same as always, I'll be killed since I'm not 12 yet. Well, I wouldn't want to be a mother anyhow." I looked at his sad face and touched his cheek lightly with my hand, making him turn to me, blushing. "It'll be fine it's not like I'll be gone forever. Oh, I have to write a few more letters so, you can read." I smiled at him and grabbed my notebook and pencil.

Hmm, what should I write to Phil? He's 4 but, he's also really smart. I'll just have Emma read it to him. I started to write very quickly. I looked down a few minutes later to see I only had about three sentences but they said everything. Ok, onto Marko! She should be pretty easy but really hard at the same time. Maybe I can just relive memories and tell her about what's really going on? Wait! I can't tell her what's going on because she thinks that "that place" is the forest outside of the farms. So I'll just tell her what she thinks is gonna happen.

Slowly but surely I finished the letter. "Hey Ray, what are gonna do when I'm gone. You won't give up right?" I looked at him sternly, "you won't try anything right?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "N-no, why would you think that?" He stuttered "nothing, let's go to sleep." I said laying my head in his lap, snuggling into his stomach. "W-what are you doing?!" He whisper shouted "what does it look like? I'm sleeping" "weirdo" Ray said before he drifted off to sleep. I sighed and closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

Word count: 1169

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