Pt23 : He was my dad

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Hospital (A&E), Injuries, Abusive Family, Mention of Death / Killing.



Why the fuck is he here?

He can't be here, there is no way. This is just a bad dream coming back to haunt me. 

"So Y/n, how have you been, it's been a while hasn't it?" Dr Lieberman says taking a seat in the corner of the room getting his pan out of his pocket. "I've missed you ya know."

No, no, no, this can't be.

"No, I left you behind, you aren't here," I squeak out trying to keep the tears that were welling in my eyes at bay.

"Oh, no I'm here. You see, you never left me, you just didn't see me, and then this bastard got in the way," he says gesturing to Wil. "I'm here now, and I'm going to help you like you need."

"Excuse me Sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You should never be aloud near this child nor any other as a matter of fact, but Y/n, should never have to see your rotten face ever again. Not after what you did to her," Wil states, clearly not planning on putting up with any of his crap.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Mr. Gold."

"It is either you leave this room willingly or I call the police and they will take you," Wil says getting visually mad, so the doctor left the room.

"I am so sorry, Y/n. I had no ide--," Wil says rushing to me side.

"No. It's fine. If that is it, can we go home now," my words having no life to them, just empty words.

"Of course, I am going out and get that mad man arrested, you stay here. I will be quick okay."

"No. Can we just go home? I really want to go home," I don't want that man to get arrested, it will only make him want to hurt he more, and others.

"He can't get away with what he d--,"

"Wil, please, get me out of here," I didn't care anymore, I wanted to be anywhere, but with this man.

"I have to sign some papers, but then we can leave, how does that sound," Wil says already standing up and getting his things and heading out the door.

"Please be quick," I whisper as he leaves.

How did he get here? I thought he would be locked up for everything he did, but no. He is here to 'help fucked up kids'. What a load of bullshit.

He is the reason I am the way I am, he is the reason I grew up in shitty homes after homes, tha was all him. 

He was the one would go to if I fell off my bike. He was my dad.

But one day, his drunk tendencies got my mother killed, she is dead because of him. It should have been me that was hit, not her, she was such a great human who could have done so much in this world, only to be cut short because of that man. My 'dad'.

Wilbur POV 

"Excuse me nurse, but I am taking Y/n home, she is not going to spend another second in E&A," I state. I can't believe that they would let this man work with children.

"But she is still to talk to Dr Lieberman before we can let her go," he says somewhat confused with what I had said.

"No she doesn't. That man is her abusive dad who killed her mother in front of her when she was 4 and then got his second wife in to abuse her as well, so I believe it she does not have to spend another second in a room with him, much less talk to him. I will sign any paperwork that I need to, but I'm leaving this place and intend on getting this mad arrested after I get Y/n home safely away from this mad man."

"Oh my god. Here, you just need to sign here saying you are leaving against medical advice. I am so sorry, I had no idea. I will get onto that like right now. If you want to stay until the police get here to state your case," the nurse says rustling around for a phone.

"I have to get Y/n home, here take these, they are all my contact details, tell them to give me a call."

I quickly as possible sign the papers the man gave me before going back into Y/n's room to find her trying to get her shirt on over her singlet.

"Hey, take it slow, take my sweater, it will be loose on your side while we get home," wait, I have no idea how we are getting home, I told Phil to head home saying I was fine. Who else lives around here that can drive. Niki.

(I'm not sure if that is true, but I somehow need to get another female in and that is who I thought of.)

"I have to call someone to pick us up okay, and then we can get out of here," I say looking for Niki's number in my phone and hitting the call button.

"Hey Wil, how are you?" she starts with when I pick up the phone.

"Hi, um I'm in a bit of a tight spot, can you come get me from the A&E?"

"Oh shit, yeah I'm on my way. Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" she asks while obviously moving throughout her apartment. 

"Yeah, but I have someone you will need to meet when you get here. A lot has happened since we last spoke, but it will be easier to do it when you get here then over the phone," I look at Y/n who had now put my sweater on and sitting on the end of the bed shaking her leg rapidly.

"Okay, give me ten minutes, and meet me outside."

"Thank you so much Niki, you have no idea how much this helps."

"Don't worry about it," she says kindly before hanging up the phone to start the drive here.

"Okay, how about we go and wait outside for Niki, who is one of my friends that lives around here too, we can take it as slow as you want," Y/n looks really shaken up, not to my surprise. She saw someone who she should have never had to see again.


Sorry this update is later then normal, I am trying to do this more often for you guys so you can have something to read.

I'm not sure how you guys are liking to story, so if I am making any errors when it comes to my writing, I am sorry and please tell me.

Remember that your body isn't paper, so don't cut it,

Remember your face isn't a mask, so don't hide it,

Remember that your size isn't a book, so don't judge it,

And most of all, your life isn't a film, so don't end it

You are beautiful just the way you are, don't ever change from who you are for others <3

I am so FUCKING proud of you, everyone reading this. You are doing great, you may not be feeling 100%, but you are giving 100% of what you do have.

I just want to say thank you. You guys, girls and anything in between are absolutly amazing and I love you.

I hope all of you are having a good day/night/ whatever time it is where you are.

Make sure you eat, drink some water, take your meds (if not already) and get some good sleep.

You are AMAZING and never forget that.

Stay safe and remember that you are loved. ❤❤❤

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