Pt 31 : London

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Eating Disorder, Body Dysmorphia Self Harm Scars



I had been a week or so since I got questioned by the police. Just about every day, Niki would come over and we would just sit and do various fun things. It was starting to really feel like home. Yes I had bad days, but I was making progress much to my disgust.

"Morning Y/n," Niki says walking in the front door. "Your up early, everything okay?"

"I couldn't sleep, bad memories," I had started talking again, but only with people I trust. 

"Is Will up yet?" Niki asks walking over to the kitchen where I was standing  making breakfast for when Will got up. This is just what I found myself doing, cooking or baking. I found comfort and calming for my hands to be busy and doing something productive. "Smells good, sure it tastes great."

"I made extra, just for you. I had assumed you would get here earlier today, you always seem to get here early on Tuesdays."

"Wow, you've known me for just over a week and you have already found a pattern in my scheduled," Niki seemed surprised by this, it was just something that I never really remember learning  but have been doing it for as long as I can remember. "How are you feeling about today?"

Today Will was going was going out with some friends to do some filming, Niki and I are going too. I will just spend my day in London with Niki, maybe meet Wills friends but he made it clear that I didn't have to.

"Um, I'm not sure," I try my hardest to not sound like I was scared, I didn't want to seem weak. So I try and lighten the moon. "I'm excited to just spend the day with you, it feels like ages since I have been outside in what feels like forever."

"Does Will know that we have to be at the station in like an hour and I highly doubt that he has packed. Should we go get him up?" Niki offers to me, but I don't like waking people. What happens if they get mad from me waking them up.

"You go, I have to finish breakfast."

Just as I finish cutting the fruit for the fruit salad I see Niki walk out and a somewhat half asleep will wonder down the hall way and sits down on the sofa.

"Will, what do you want on your plate?" I ask trying to sound confident. 

"Wait, what. I was going to cook. You should have woken me up," Will has been promising that he'd will make breakfast for the past 3 days but he has been exhausted so been sleeping in. "Thank you anyway, I will come out and get a plate in a second, you get what you want."

Will comes up behind, just loud enough so his touch doesn't scare me, but still has the feeling of surprise me. 

"Can you try and have some of the fruit salad? You have a big day ahead of you and I know it's hard but small steps okay," Will whispers in my ear. I nod my head as I start filling up a small dish full of fruit and going to sit at the kitchen counter while Wil and Niki get their breakfast. "Wow, Y/n, I swear that your cooking get better every time I try it. This is delicious."

I never really liked when Will or Niki says this sort of stuff. What am I supposed to say? 'yeah?' That just sounds like I'm full of myself. So instead I just look down at the floor. 

After we all finish eating breakfast, I go and get changed.

I had been trying to find some clothes that I liked, I would normally just wear some jeans and a sweater / hoodie, but I feel like I was stupid. These people are rich and what? I would just show up in casual clothes?

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