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"Liv, over here!"
Will turned another corner pulling me after him, his eyes continuously scanning the hallways.
My hands felt sweaty in his, and when I attempted to pull away he looked at me from over his sholder and shook his head slightly.
"Don't let go." Although I knew Will as the strong, mysterious guy from the orphanage I had seen his other side too. The sensitive one, the caring Will who wasn't afraid to shed his tears before me.
Overwhelmed once again that he was mine, I stopped trying to let go of his hand and concentrated on the job that had to be done.
In order to destroy the virus I had to get back into the room we were first captured in.
"Do you remember the way?" I panted, trying to keep up with his big steps.
"I worked for him for about 6 months," he answered, "I remember every corner of this place."
We stayed silent, our footsteps the only sound echoing through the hallways. Suddenly, Will skidded to a stop. "Here it is," he pulled me closer towards him and slowly opened the door. Appart from Will's irregular heartbeat, he wasn't panting or showing any signs that he had been running. Another thing he's good at..
The door swung open.
A blur, a hand, a gun. A gasp.
It was Prior. He held a gun at Will's forehead, and his face was morphed into an expression of fury. "Move a muscele Firestone and he dies," he spat.
My eyes flicked to Will's, and he gave me a small nod. "What now Prior?" I asked through gritted teeth, "I told you I don't know where the antidote is-"
Prior chuckled, his dark eyes like two black holes. "I think we've established I allready know that you're lying."
I was grabbing for the last strings here. "No, I don't-"
"DON'T LIE TO ME!" Prior boomed, his face red.
I flinched and locked eyes with Will. He looked like he was desperately trying to tell me something-
"I know when you are lying, Firestone," Prior shouted, "You're parents weren't the only ones who were taught your skills!"
The gun clicked into place and Prior pressed it harder against Will's forehead, his orbs still locked onto me.
"Tell. Me. Or your friend dies."
My breathing quickened and I looked helplessly at Will's clear blue eyes. What should I do? What should I do? Wha-
"For the record," Will panted, his eyes darting to Prior's furious face. "I'm not her friend."
Will's hand shot forward, blocking the gun and kicking Prior's knee, making him double over with a cry of pain. He expertly turned the gun and pointed it at Prior's writhing body on the ground. "I'm her boyfriend."
"You-" he sneered, spitting on the floor. "Do you actually think you stand a chance against me?"
"I don't think I need to even try," Will shrugged and leaned down so that his face was inches away from Prior's. "You don't deserve my try. You're not worth it," Will murmered, a look of disgust passing his features.
With a roar of outrage Prior threw a punch at Will's face, causing him to stagger back and let go of the gun. It slid across the floor, a few metres away from me.
"Liv, the gun!" Will shouted.
For a minute I was frozen. Prior started his scramble for the gun, his elbows and knees scraping against the floorboards.
Will's voice was like a bucket of ice being poored over my head. Get the gun, Liv.
I ran towards the gun, my eyes widening as I saw how close Prior had allready come. Protect the people you love.
Prior's hand reached for the pistol, his fingers almost touching the cold metal. Get. The. Gun.
Before his finger could wrap around the trigger I kicked it out of his grasp and picked it up, pointing the gun at the murderer of my parents.
Prior grinned - it was a grin that made my stomach churn and a shudder run through me.
"You couldn't do anything to me," he laughed. "You're too weak to pull that trigger, I know it Firestone."
I clenched my jaw and raised an eyebrow at him, ignoring the bead of sweat trickling down my temple. "I hate you Prior," I said, my voice wavering. He chuckled and I started seeing red - rage took over my whole body.
"YOU KILLED MY PARENTS!" I shouted, and for once there were no more tears left. "You made me suffer. You burnt my home. You threatened my sister!" Taking a deep breath, I narrowed my eyes at the scum I was pointing the gun at. "I hate you with every fibre of my body - give me one reason why I shouldn't pull the trigger."
Prior's grin faded as he looked into my eyes, his face pale. "You wouldn't- you're too weak-"
"This girl survived a fire and saved her little sister too," Will's voice cut in from beside me. "She's stronger than all your men put together."
"I don't think you two know who still is at an advantage here," Prior smirked, slowly standing up onto his feet.
"Move another muscele and your blood will cover this floor," I said menacingly.
"Oh I'm not the one who's going to die here Olivia," Prior laughed. "I have one of the virus tubes in my hand right now. Should you dare to kill me, and I let this tube fall - the whole building, if not the whole country, would be destroyed." A crooked grin passed his features as he stared at my pale face.
"You're sick," I breathed, my hands shivering as I slowly lowered the gun to my side.
"No, just a loyal soldier who wants to lead his country to greatness."
"If that were true you wouldn't have threatened to destroy it," Will said, frustrated.
Prior stretched his cut lips into what looked like was a poor attempt of a smile. "You could never understand."
All of a sudden he lunged for a door and held onto the doorknob as though his life depended on it. Pointing the gun back at him again, I heard Will shout: "What the hell are you doing!"
Prior's turned his head to look at us from over his sholder - his hair clinged to his forehead and he had another one of his sick grins plastered on his face.
"We're all in this together."
As realization hit me, Prior yanked the suicide room door open - and I fired.

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