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We checked into a motel called 'Moonshine Motel' or something. I was much too tierd to realise. All I knew was that it was cheap, and not far from the bus station.

A receptionist with more wrinkles than hairs gave us our keys, and returned to his previous position with his feet on the counter, picking his nose.

I grimced and took them, holding them with my fingertips.

Although there was a lift, I immediatly steered towards the stairs. I had always hated lifts, they were just another jump into death's arms.

Without a word Will followed me up the stairs to our room, 24.

When I swung the door open it slammed against the wall, causing a picture frame to fall on the floor with a shatter. I flinched as I gazed around the room.

It was not exactly a suite, but what did you expect for 9£ a night? There was a small nightstand, a sink against the wall on the left, and a king-sized bed-

Wait what?

Will slipped into the room and threw his backpack onto the bed. "Well, this looks cosy."

I still couldn't will myself to speak. "U- um.. Will?"

His blue eyes were allready shining mischievously, "What?"

I gave him the you-know-exactly-what look and flicked my eyes towards the bed.

"Well, I would suggest that I sleep on the floor but sadly there is no room."

I walked into the room and sat on the bed which creeked with my every move.

"You don't mind, do you?" Will was clearly enjoying this. I rolled my eyes and gathered my things to take with me sothat I could change.

Only there was no bathroom.

"This has to be some kind of a joke." I put my face into my hands and groaned.

Will, who had noticed my problem turned his back to me and said, his tone clearly amused, "Go on get changed, I promise I won't look."

I smiled to myself and put on my pjamas, consisting of a pair of shorts and a tanktop. "Done!" I called out. Will turned and gave me a once over, his eyes roaming down my body. They limgered on my legs, when he all of a sudden blushed and looked away.

I climbed into bed, my back facing Will as I said, "Your go."

A few seconds later I felt the bed dip next to me and my body instantly tensed. God this is so weird.

We stayed silent, and I could feel myself begging for some sleep, so I shut my eyes and started drifting off..

The last thing I heard was a tender voice whispering in my ear: "Good night, Liv."

And I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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