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I was sitting at the breakfast table, my eyes swollen and red. I leaned my head against my knuckles and ate the cornflakes.

"Rough night?" Will asked me. He had sat right next to me, his presence gave me a sort of tingling feeling on my skin. But I had just managed to ignore him, until now.

"M-hm," I mumbeled.

"Well," he said softly, "I have them too. But they'll disappear eventually."

I smiled a little. He was trying to comfort me. Why did that thrill me so much? He was probably just being nice.

"Thanks." I finished my cornflakes and stood up. He stood up aswell. I looked at him questioningly when he all of a sudden grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the dining room. Luckily no one noticed, or I would've had to have listened to some more boys-talk from Juma and Alyssa.

I rolled my eyes at myself for quivering a little at his touch. But I was too tierd and weak to pull out of his grasp or say something.

We rounded a corner, and all of a sudden he stopped and pulled me against him. I felt a shiver go down my back.

"I just couldn't bare to see you like that," he mumbled into my hair.

My heart stopped and I held my breath.

Did he really just say that?

I closed my eyes and relaxed. This was nice.

All of a sudden he released me and took a step back, looking confused. He was back in his own world, staring at my face but not actually seeing it. I ached inside, why did that moment have to end?

Damn, I had to get a grip. I shook my head as if to clear it, smiled at him (although I didn't know if he had noticed or not) and turned back to the dining room. I didn't hear any footsteps behind me.

Sighing, I joined Juma in the living room, leaning my head on her sholder.

She looked at me surprised. "This must be the first time YOU touched ME. I always grabbed you," Juma said leaning her head back on mine. I chuckled lightly and closed my eyes.

I felt something in my lap just then, and found Alyssa's head leaning there. "You didn't think you could have the 'first-cuddle-moment' without me, right?" she grinned. I smiled down at her and closed my eyes again. This red sofa was really comfy, and with the rain gently pooring against it, I felt myself slowly driffting off..

Just then, I felt another body slump down next to Juma. I opened one eye and saw to my pleasure that it was Leo, leaning his head against Juma's sholder. I smiled to myself, there you go.

Another person came to squash between me, Alyssa and the back of the red sofa. I heard a relaxed sigh and recognized the voice to be Jaz': "Hm.. we should do this more often. It's really nice."

Everyone mumbled in agreement and we stayed silent for a while listening to the rain. I couldn't help but feel like I had family again.. I sniffed quietly and let the tears fall silently. No. No crying. I had sworn not to cry infront of them!

I couldn't help the tears though. Once they came it took a while to stop them.

Luckily no one noticed.

The next thing I remembred was getting up after Jaz had suggested to plan our friday night-out and fetching Cassy, Izzy, Dylan and Will. We all were lounging about, some spread on the floor playing with their hair, others on the couch.

"So.. anybody here allready paired up?" Cassy asked, curiously looking around the room.

"Oh yeah," Leo slapped his head and turned to Juma, "Juma Han. D'you want to go to the cinema with me?"

I literally thought she was going to light up she was beaming that much. "Yes," she said a little out of breath, "Yes I think I would."

I smiled and looked at my feet. That was cute. So much better than those clichés in the movies.

When I looked up, Will was staring at me. His look was weary, amused and nervous at the same time. I wondered if he was going to... noo not Will. He was much too good for me. AND, I reminded myself, he has no interest in me whatsoever.

I streched on the floor and sat indian style clasping my hands together.

"One couple up, loads more to go!" Cassy called out.

"Until when should we all have partners again?" I asked looking around.

"The end of the week. So .. two more days until it's time. Boys, hurry up or all the good ones will be gone!" Cassy was flicking her hair back her sholder and grinned. Just then Dylan said, his low voice rumbling, "Okay then. Cassandra Hopkins, go to the friday night-out with me."

Cassy was grinning and winked at Dylan, adjusting her glasses. "Hm.."

"It wasn't a question."

We all laughed at Cassy's face that she made and laughed.

We ended up deciding to go to a fish&chips shop before the movie started at 8:20 pm.

"So.. The Fault In Our Stars it is!" Izzy called out cheering. "I always wanted to watch that one!"

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