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"Can you hear this?" a nurse started clicking next to my ear, disturbing my thoughts as I stared at Will opposite me. She didn't stop clicking so I nodded, throwing her a sideways glance. "Have you got a headache? How many fingers am I holding up? Where-"
"I'm okay," I murmered a flash of annoyance passing my features. Feeling a little guilty of my little outbreak I added a "Thank you."
She smiled and gave me a pat on the back before leaving. Why do they all feel the need to pat me?
I rolled my eyes and sighed, jumping of the bench and walking over to Will.
"Hey," I said quietly, sitting down next to him. Will smiled and motioned towards the gap I had left between us.
"What's up with the distance?"
A slight smile played at the side of my lips. I watched him carefully as he scooted up next to me, throwing his arm around my sholder.
"Did you really mean it?" I blurted, soon after cursing myself for being so curious.
Will leaned down and kissed my temple before whispering near my ear, "Mean what?"
I sighed and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his warm breath at my neck.
"You know what?" I opened my eyes and kissed his cheek. "Nevermind."
I heard him chuckle as he pulled me closer to his side.
I thought of how much had happened in these past few days. I had managed to find the man who had destroyed my life while I found the boy that completed it. I didn't kill Prior. I wanted to - but I didn't.
Because revenge never ends well. If you're a good person, then killing a murderer would only make you another killer - no matter what that person did - you would be a murderer, the exact thing you once loathed and wanted to kill. A victim becomes a killer, and is forced to live a life with a shadow over their heart - knowing they took the life of another human being.
I'm so glad I don't have to do that.
I lifted my head and smiled as I saw his face. "Officer Eveland!"
He crouched down next to me, so that our eyes were at the same level. He looked at me with a mixture of worry, relief and happiness.
"How are you two?" he asked, his eyes flicking between Will and me.
I nodded and Will squeezed my hand a little. We're okay.
But somehow none of us could utter those words.
Officer Eveland nodded in understanding and he stood up straight looking down at us and stretching out his hand towards me.
"Come on, I'm taking you two home."
I stared at his hand in mid air and knotted my eyebrows in confusion.
"Uh.. we don't have a home," Will murmered quietly. "We have no where to go."
"Oh yes you do," Eveland grinned. "There are certain people at the orphanage who are worried sick. Some even think you're dead."
The orphanage. I cracked a smile at the thought of seeing all of them again. My Jemma..
Taking Eveland's hand I was hauled onto my feet.
Officer Eveland let out a breath and looked at me and Will, his eyes shining.
"Let's get you home then."
"We wouldn't have found you if it weren't for Inspector Black you know," the Officer said while sitting behind the steering-wheel of his toyota.
I lifted my head from Will's sholder carefully, making sure he didn't wake up. He had fallen asleep shortly after our departure.
"How did you find us anyway?" I whispered.
"Black found out about you missing a day after you left the orphanage," Eveland said, his eyes on the road. "He immediatly dropped his previous case and demanded to purchase all the files on your parents' murder."
Officer Eveland must have noticed my confused silence because he chuckled quietly before he answered. "I know, everyone was suprised - he never stopped in the middle of a case, yet alone for a girl he didn't even know."
"But why did he then?" It made no sense. He only met me briefly..
Officer Eveland stayed quiet for a bit before he finally answered. "I think you reminded him of someone he once knew."
I didn't ask any further - I had a feeling this wasn't something Inspector Black would like us talking about.
"Anyway," Eveland glanced at me from over his sholder. "He worked day and night on your case. I told him he needed sleep but he just ignored me - I was used to him being enthusiastic over a case, but this wasn't enthusiasm."
"It was as though he would never forgive himself if he failed," he scratched the back of his head.
After that the ride was rather quiet. I didn't know what to say or think. I just knew I was heading home, and that I wouldn't be doing that without the help of Black and Will.
I stared out of the window and watched the landscape pass as we sped down the highway. A sense of dejà vu overcame me at the sight of fields stretching out before me, trees everywhere. It was like on my ride here.
I felt my eyes droop closed as tierdness overcame me. The last thought I could conjure up was slipping through my fingures and I was swallowed into darkness.
I opened one eye lazily and groaned. "What?" I murmered snuggling back into my "cushion".
"Hey, no don't go back to sleep!"
I groaned and sat up, groggily wiping my eyes. "Who dares to awaken me from my much-needed sleep?" I grinned squinting up at the face before me.
"It's your knight in shining armour my lady," Will smirked and leaned down to unbuckle my seat belt. While doing so, I couldn't help but notice how his hands lingered on my thighs and how cheek brushed mine.
We haven't kissed since he confessed..
And how much I just wanted to theough myself at him right now.
Shaking my head at myself I cleared my throat and mumbled, "Thanks."
Will raised his eybrows at me in confusion bit I quickly lept out of the car seat before he could say anything.
It had troubled me the whole ride here. Yes, Will had confessed. Yes, I love him too. But how do I know that I won't mess this up? I've never been good at relationships and I didn't want to ruin this one..
"We're here," Officer Eveland's voice shook me out of my thoughts. I glanced up at the familiar house and smiled, forgetting my problems for a moment.
Eveland rung the doorbell, throwing us a reasuring smile from over his sholder. We waited a couple of minutes, and I could feel my nerves tingling feom excitement and anxiousness.
I suddenly felt a warm hand wrap itself around mine, making my skin prickle. I knew instantly it was Will's and blushed when I saw how he was looking at me.
As though I was the person that held his world together. The person that kept his world from shattering.
In my world, he was that person.
The door suddenly cracked open and a pale face with pink rimmed glasses and a tight bun was to be seen.
Her eyes landed on Officer Eveland and she shook her head, her eyes wide and filling with unshed tears.
"No," she croaked the tears now spilling. "If this is the bad news then don't tell me. I don't know what I would tell the kids-"
Officer Eveland seemed to have noticed that there was a misunderstanding because he tried to interrupt her. "Ma'm-"
"If you have found their bodies, tell me they died a quick death," Miss Dawson's voice was weak and she was trembling. "Just tell me they died instantly, no pain involved-"
"Miss Dawson?" Will stepped out from behind Officer Eveland, pulling me with him. "We're not dead, miss."
"Oh my god-" she breathed, stretching out her hands. When her fingertips brushed my arm she started crying even more, her eyes sparkling with hapiness. "You're alive, oh thank god!"
I couldn't help but smile as she pulled us into the orphanage, her eyes ot once leaving our faces.
"You must go upstairs, they will be so happy to see you!" she sniffed, taking out her hankerchief and and wiping her eyes. "Good god, I'm such a mess.."
"It's wonderful to be back home, Miss Dawson," Will smiled slightly. She stopped sniffing for a second and smiled back in between tears. She stroked the side of my cheek and I shivered. Mum had always done that.
"I'm so glad you're back," Miss Dawson suddenly jumped back and clapped her hands together. "You two! You've got to go upstairs, the children will be thrilled to see you!"
I grinned at the thought of seeing my Jemma again and nodded. Letting go of Will's hand I rushed up the stairs, halting mid-way as I turned back to Officer Eveland.
"Thank you for everything," I smiled at him and he looked taken aback for a second. "And give our thanks to the Inspector aswell will you?" Will added, holding out hand to shake Officer Eveland's.
"Of course," he nodded and took his hat off. "It was a pleasure to meet you."
I gave him one last smile before I turned back to the stairs again, Will hot on my heels.
I stopped infront of the heavy, wooden door and stroked my fingers over the sign reading "Living Room".
"Go on open it," Will nudged me and gave me one of his half smiles.
A wave of excitement washed over me, and I took a deep breath, pushing the door open.
It was eerily quiet as I entered the room. Most of them were sitting on the big red sofa, their back facing us. I took another step and the floorboards creaked under my sneakers.
"We'll be down in a minute Miss Dawson," Cassy said quietly and I looked at the back of her head, a little shocked at how gloomy it was.
Will threw me a questioning glance and I shrugged. I have no idea.
"So should we finish the game now or what?" Juma mumbled and I sighed not taking the silence anymore.
"I'd sure like to play."
Nine heads whipped around and eighteen eyes looked at us in utter shock.
I grinned and waved awkwardly, "Hi guys. How've you been?"
Stunned silence filled the air and I was beginning to think I said something wrong
"Oh hell no!" Cassy screamed, clutching her head as she gazed at us. "YOU TWO HAVE A HELL OF A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO-"
And all hell broke loose.
As I stared at them in panic, all rushing towards me I suddenly felt a strong arm snake its way around my waist and I looked up into those beautiful blue eyes. His lips found my ear and I shivered when I felt the spark of happiness grow inside of me. I could feel him smile against my cheek.
"We're home."

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