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I looked around the table intensly, curious about how their reactions would be.

"Oh my god," Cassy said, the only one who had found her voice again. Everyone was staring at me with wide eyes. "So let me get this straight: You, a sixteen year old girl, saved your five year old little sister from a fire, that (undoubtedly) was laid there on purpose by someone who wanted to kill you, and you don't know who?" Cassy looked bewildered. I nodded.

The whole table shook as Leo jumped up and rolled over the table to squeeze between me and Jaz (who let out a 'HEY!' before he was shoved to the side). Leo was staring at me with his brown eyes and I noticed he had a few specks of green inside of them. "DO YOU ACTUALLY REALIZE HOW FREAKING MUCH YOU ARE A HERO RIGHT NOW?" he practically shouted his eyes full of admiration. I winced and shook my head. Me? A hero?

Everybody else had stopped staring at me with those wide eyes and were now laughing. "Give her some space, Leo," Alssya giggled quietly, "Olivia's the same as the rest of us now," she added sadly.

I felt my heart ache and felt the tears gather in my eyes again, ready to spill.

But before I could roll up in a ball and start crying again like a two year old, Juma took me by the hand and stood up, ready to drag me places. Alyssa came around the table, her blue eyes glinting as she smiled and took my other hand. "Come on, let's show you around!"

I nodded and decided to keep my tears to myself from now on. Nobody liked cry-babies. I gave her the best smile I could manage and let Juma pull me out into the corridoor. I heard scraping chairs behind me and Jaz shouted after us "Wait up, We're coming too!"

As we walked down the corridoor of the third floor, Juma pointed to various ancient- but fancy-looking rooms and said cheerfully: "That's Leo's and Jaz' room, that over there is Cassy's and Izzy's... that one's Dylan's-"

"Ooooh and that one's OURS!" Alyssa interrupted grinning. "You'll be sharing a room with me and Juma."

"So we're the only one's who are three in one room?" I asked.

"Jup. But don't worry, it's a lot bigger than the other rooms. That's probably why Miss Dawson put you in our paradise," Alyssa winked and pushed open the door that was covered in papers saying: DON'T U DARE OPEN THIS DOOR JAZ! and: KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING VIP ZONE. I laughed and looked over my sholder at Jaz, who was scratching his ear, clearly embarrassed. "You still have that sign, huh? It's been ages since the last time I-"

"..you ran into our room while we were dressing?" Juma said raising her eyebrows. "Yeah, and it wasn't a long time ago. It was LAST WEEK," Alyssa said crossing her arms infront of her chest.

Jaz looked at his feet and ran his fingers through his hair, obviously fumbling for words. He sighed. "I'm just going to go now," he murmered, blushing slightly. Alyssa and Juma seemed surprised by this and looked at each other, confused.

"That didn't seem like Jaz at all," Cassy said frowning.

"Yeah.." Dylan said, his low voice a little amused. I had a feeling that he knew why Jaz was behaving strangely. "I'll go check up on him."

"I'll come too," Leo said disappearing down the stairs behind Dylan.

Cassy and Izzy looked at each other trying to contain their laughter. "I really want to know what's going on with Jaz... Iz you coming to spy on the boys aswell?" Cassy asked pushing her pink glasses back into place. "Sure as hell I am!" Izzy giggled and they both crept down the stairs together.

Alyssa grinned and gestured inside the room. "After you."

I walked in and the first thing that hit me was the smell. It smellt of cookies. When I looked onto the empty bed in the far corner, I saw that they had put chocolate-chip cookies in a heart shape onto the pillow.

Burning RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora