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The first place I had to go was to St Marys hospital. My mum and dad used to work there, and I was positive that I would find something there. It was the last place my parents were before they died, someone had to have noticed something.

I was sitting in the bus, watching the trees and fields outside my window. This bus was heading towards London Central, and as I was the only person in it, it seemed like we would be arriving soon. No one got in, no one got out. The bus kept speeding down the road, rattling and swaying like all buses do. As I stared out of the window and the first few city lights came to my view, I couldn't help but wonder about Will. Would he be sad that I was gone?

Mentally slapping myself for thinking something as stupid as that I cursed as the bus suddenly halted causing my head to bang against the glas window.

"Sorry Miss, just a dear on the road."

A dear on the road? We were nearly in the city, how could a dear be on the ro-

My body quickly switched onto alert mode. "Stop the bus." My voice came out cooly and calm, but I was actually on the verge of getting hysterical.

The bus driver turned in his seat and sneered at me, causing my blood to freeze.

"No can do, baby-doll." I came closer and then noticed he looked very familiar somehow.

"Stop the bus. NOW," I shrieked storming down the isle.

And that's when it hit me.

It was him.

The hooded man who wanted to kidnap me.

We were nearly in the city, but he pulled off the road and stopped the engine. Getting out from behind the wheel he made his way towards me, slowly at first.

I took several steps back and shouted, "What do you want from me?!"

He just sneered again, showing his yellow teeth. "You are pretty valuble to some people. The knowledge in that pretty head of yours is very much desired by many people," he said moving closer.

"I don't understand-"

"You should put that on a t-shirt."

I scoffed and let my eyes search for a way out of this bus. The city wasn't that far away, I could break into a run once I was out of here.

I noticed the doors in the back of the bus and ran towards them. Pushing and pressing against it wildly, but it didn't budge. Slamming my hand against the door once again, I turned.

Just in time to face him. He was standing much too close, his stinky breath blowing against my cheak.

"Give up allready, pretty girl," be breathed, his shark-like eyes running down my body, "I know I should give you to them unharmed but I want my fun with you first.."

That's it. I let out an angry cry before I rammed my knee right into his private parts. He groaned and crumbled to the floor, coughing.

I jumped over the seats and yelled, "No can do baby-doll!"

I slammed my whole body against the bus doors and let out a triumphant cry when it cracked, leaving me tumbling out of the bus. Pulling my backpack closer around my sholders I started running, as fast as I could.

A few seconds later I heard an angry roar of an engine behind me, and some screeching tiers. When I looked over my sholder, I saw the bus racing its way towards me. I let out a scream as I jumped aside, into the bushes next to the road.

I layed still as I heard the bus speed away. Thank goodness he hadn't seen me.

Standing up slowly, and brushing off the dirt on my sweater, I realised I had landed in a dorn bush. My arms and my face must be covered in scratches.

Deciding that I needed to make my way to the hospital quickly sothat I could cleans my wounds I jogged down the now empty road.

The knowledge in that pretty head of yours is very much desired by many people. What had he meant with that? Who desired what knowledge?

When I finally reached the town Centre I stopped running, not wanting to attract any attention. I held my head down, and jumped at any sound I believed to hear.

I stopped infront of a large white building. St. Marys Hospital!

I jogged over the parking lot and through the glass doors. A warm blast of air and the familiar smell of disinfectant greeted me. Letting out a sigh of relief, I ignored the secretary and the waiting room and headed straight for the storage room. I knew this place better than any other person - I used to visit mum and dad at work on my way home from junior school. Checking if anyone was looking, I pushed against the door and slipped inside.

Large boxes were piled up against the walls, filled with bandages, needles and anything else one might need.

Picking out some disinfectant, a bandage (for the perticularly bad wounds) and a plaster I sat down agains the door and started nursing myself. When I was finished, a first aid kit caught my eye. Now that can always be useful.

Ten minutes later I opened the door and stepped out of the storage room, trying to look casual and innocent.

I walked down the hallway and turned a corner when I rammed into someone. When I looked up I saw a familiar rinkled face gazing down at me.

"Olivia! How nice to see you!" he let out a hearty laugh and bent down a little so that he could face me properly.

"Dr. Amen, I'm so glad I found you!" I gave him a short hug, but released him almost instantly.

"I'm glad to see you too, Liv. But I must ask, what are you doing here at such an hour? Shouldn't you be asleep young lady?" his american accent always made me giggle, even in the darkest of times. Dr. Amen was a very tall doctor, he moved to London a few years ago and was doing well. He was the one who always took care of me when I was disappointed again because my parents weren't there for me.

"Actually, I'm here because I need your help."

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