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Dr. Amen took me to his office and made me a cup of tea.

"So what do you need, Liv?" He asked, pooring some tea into an empty plastic cup.

I crossed my legs on his all-too-familiar leather couch - I had always done my homework here while I was waiting for my parents.

"You know that mum and dad were here before.. they-"

"-embraced the other side?"

I swallowed down some tea quickly, burning my tongue in the process. "Yes, exactly."

Dr. Amen sat down next to me on the couch, watching me drink my tea.

"Olivia, the police were here a few days ago asking the same questions. Only, I didn't tell them anything about the one thing I promised your parents I would never tell or give anyone, except you."

My heart started beating faster as I sat upright, placing the plastic cup down onto the table.

Dr. Amen stood up and went to his desk. Pulling out a letter from under his papers, he walked back towards me, a sad smile on his lips. "Your parents told me I should give this to you, the day they died. They came into my office, and your mum gave this letter to me. They looked a little distressed, actually. Almost as though they knew.." he trailed off, shaking his head. "Anyway, this is for you."

I took the letter, holding it carefully as though it could turn into dust any minute now.

This could tell me what happened to them.

I opened it and stared at the letters infront of me, well aware of Dr. Amen's curious gaze over my sholder.

Dear Olivja,

Yoou were always the perfect chhild. You will always meaan the world to me. Nno onne will ever love you as much as I will, aand your dadd and I, are so sorry for haaving to leave you so soon. We alwways thought ssomeday we woould be together againn, and no one could stop us from being together - not even law itself.

Trust your instinct, go with your heart. And don't trust too many people.

Love you so much,

Mum xxx

I put the letter on my lap. Something is wrong with this letter. My mum never really wrote sentimentally, let alone make spelling mistakes in nearly every word! Either she was in panic or-

"Dr. Amen, could you pass me a pen please?"

"Sure." He passed me his pen and I began circling all the mistakes.

"What exactly are you doing?" He asked a little stunned. "Isn't that the last words to you by your parents? I don't really think they would want you to cirlce their spelling mistakes on-"

"They definately would," I murmered, the excitement growing inside me, "my parents never ever made spelling mistakes. This has to be a code."

He raised his eyebrows at me, disbelief all over his face. "Well, I have patients to attend to. You can stay the night in my office, but tomorrow we're bringing you back to the orphanage!"

I nodded. He didn't have to know that I would be well gone by then.

I heard the door close and looked back at the letter. All the added letters formed a word.. Or to be exact: A name.


Who is Johanna Dawson? Frowning, I shoved the letter into my backpack.

She has to be important. My mum obviously wanted me to find her, or she wouldn't have given me the clue.

I layed back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

Johanna Dawson.

Feeling my eyes flutter closed, I sighed and let my body relax.

"Good night, London," was the last thing I murmered before I fell into a deep sleep.


They were arguing again. Everytime they argued I heard my name and Jemma's. Jemma was sleeping in here cot right next to their bed. My room was near theirs, so I could hear all of their angry hissing.

"You know we have no choice!" Dad was saying, his voice frustrated.

"If we do this, many thousands - no, millions- of people are going to die! I don't want to be the creator of a mass-murderer!" Mum half shouted. When I shut my eyes and concentrated, I could hear them huffing at each other.

They stayed silent for a while. When my father broke the silence, he murmered: "I love you, Anabelle. And if you don't want something, I don't want it either."

"I love you too, George."

I heard a muffled sob, "You know that they'll take either her or the whole world from us, don't you?" Mum sniffed. She sounded heart broken..

"Anabelle, either way the world would fall apart for us."

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