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The first five minutes, was a series my mother and I used to watch together when she wasn't off working. Pretty Little Liars, the show where ugly truths are covered with pretty lies - we used to sing the theme song by the Pierces all the time.

The memories and the disappointment about not finding anything brought tears to my eyes.

Will put a hand on mine and stroked his thumb over my knuckles. Sean looked at me sadly and turned back to the computer in order to turn it off.

Suddenly the screen changed, and my dad was seen. He wore a black shirt and his tousled brown hair with his familiar grey streaks fell into his face. He looked exhausted and pained. "Hello, my sweetie."

My breathing hitched in my throat, and I sat up straight. Daddy..

"If you're watching this, then you've been a clever girl, exactly like I knew you would be - you found Johanna and now Sean has put his life on the line to find you."

I glanced at Sean, who had a sad expression on his face looking at my dad. He must have known him well.

"You know the truth, by now. But not all of it," my dad continued quietly. He put his face in his hands and stayed like that for a while. It broke my heart to see him like that, and I nearly turned away from the screen when my dad breathed in deeply and faced the camera again, his face pale.

"Liv, you and Jemma were always all we lived for. I want you to know that we love you two, everything we did was for you."

I held in my tears and forced myself to stay quiet.

"We developed an antidote, one that can destroy the virus, and we need you to do that Liv," my father said, his face grim, "You are the only one who can. Or millions of people will die."

I shivered and felt like shouting. Why me? Why am I the only one who could do this?

"Your mother and I developed the antidote and hid it so well, even though it was right in front of everyone's nose all the time," my father chuckled darkly to himself, his face bitter. "The antidote is powerful. Not just any kind of powerful, it is invincible."

My dad looked into the camera and it felt like he was looking straight at me, and even though I knew it was impossible I felt as though he were here, with me.

But his next words got me out of my daze.

"The antidote is inside you, Olivia. It flows through your veins."


We sat in stunned silence.

I sat, wide eyed, staring at the screen in disbelief. When I realised what my dad had said and it had sunk in, my hands began to tremble.

I stood up and ran a hand through my hair.  Sean had paused the video, and he was watching me pace the room, his expression a mixture of worry and astonishment. Will sat in silence, and I didn't know how to judge his reaction, and frankly I wasn't really thinking about that at the moment.
I am the antidote. Oh my god, it's INSIDE me-

"Olivia?" Sean spoke up first, his eyes full of worry, "You okay?"

I stopped pacing and slid down the wall, my face in my hands.


"No, I am not okay!" I suddenly shouted, my voice hoarse, "I found out that something these psychos are looking for is in my freaking blood!"

My head was spinning and tears were beginning to spill as I glanced at the frozen picture of my dad. "He never told me. And now- now it all makes sense!"

"This stupid blood transfer I had when I was younger, all of it- it was for this stupid antidote-" I swallowed back my tears and sat up straight.

Breathing in deeply I tried to keep my voice strong, "Press play."

Sean's and Will's heads snapped up and they looked at me surprised.

"Are you sure?" Sean asked me, caution written all over his face.

I clenched my jaw and nodded, moving to the computer. My eyes locked with Will's and something flashed inside them - was it.. pride?

Before I could think more about it Sean had pressed the play button and my dad took a deep breath.

"We did the blood transfer on you when you were 15. It took a while for your blood to.. absorb.. the antidote. We calculated that you would start to feel something different inside you when you turned 17."
I'm nearly 17, so not that wrong. I chewed the inside of my cheaks and stared into those brown eyes. I wish I could see them in real life. Just one last time..

"Liv, you are the only one who can destroy the virus because you now know that you are the antidote. Destroy it, and you save the people you love."

My dad's face turned guarded as he looked at someone behind the computer. When his face suddenly changed back to worry he whispered, "I've got to go. I love you, Olivia. Take care of your sister, would you?"

He leaned into the camera and it turned black. I sat there in silence, when a sudden wave of tierdness overcame me.

"I'm no hero," I whispered. "I'm just Liv. I don't think I could do this."

A warm hand wrapped around mine and I flinched from the electric tingles errupting from my skin.

"Liv, look at me." His demanding tone forced my eyes to lock with his. "You saved Jemma from the fire. You set off to find your parents' murderer," Will's eyes flashed with an uknown emotion. "You have done things other people would never dream of doing, and I - you are a hero. More than you think."

We stayed like that for a while, my hands in his, his face close to mine. Suddenly someone cleared his throat and I turned to see Sean raising his eyebrows at us. Will looked as though he had just woken up from a dream, and he leaned back into his chair, putting distance between us. His eyes showed confusement before the walls went back up again and he looked at me blankly.

Ignoring the pang of hurt inside me, I got a grip quickly and swivelled around in my seat so that I was facing Sean.

"Well, if you guys are finished," Sean said his voice mocking, "What do we do now?"

Taking a deep breath I stood up, folding my arms infront of my chest.

"We do what my dad said," I spoke, proud that my voice was stable and not shaking like my knees were.

"We destroy the virus."

SO SORRY, EVERYONE! I was in Colditz (a city in Germany that none of you know, I didn't even know it existed before the orchestra trip) and they had no WiFi. I physically felt the pain and loss of wattpad. But now I am back, and I am going to spamm you with chapters! And good ones too, because we are now entering the drama zone.

Who murdered her parents and set fire to her house?

Will she succeed in destroying the virus?

Will we find out more about Will's past?

Thanks for reading and life is awesome so be happy :D


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