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"Mum, Dad?" I asked leaning my head against my hand lazily on the couch.

"Yes dear?" Mum called out from the pantry. I groaned and murmered, "I need that aspirin, I have a huge headache."

My mum immediatly came out of the kitchen with a glass of water and some aspirin. I sighed a thank you and swallowed the pills.

My mum's worried face leaned over me, her hand on my forehead measuring my temperature.

"Darling, you're boiling!" she said cupping my cheak.

Just then I heard a phone ring in the kitchen and my dad picked up. I heard some faint murmering and even heard my dad hissing something angrily. Frowning, I turned and tried to look at the kitchen door.

Suddenly he called for mum and she vanished into the kitchen. I quickly crept up to the kitchen door and listened, ignoring the pain in my temples.

"-yes they want us to come in again," dad was saying, his voice muffled through the door.

"WHAT? Today?! We can't leave her alone, she's just had the transfer, she feels terrible-"

"I know, I know darling. But we don't have a choice. You know what they'll do to them if we refuse."

Silence. "She's going to hate us."

I bit my lip and made my way to the couch again, sitting in the same position like before.

They were leaving again.


I sat up, stroking the sweaty hair out of my face. I was having these dreams much too frequently. It was like my brain was trying to desperatly remind me of all the heart break I had gone through.

But what had they ment with 'transfer'?

I gazed into the darkness, clenching my jaw.

If there was one thing I was sure about, it was that these dreams were important.

My parents were murdered, and I couldn't count on the police on telling me if they found something. These dreams, or more like memories were all I had of them, and they cept on showing me that something wasn't right with my parents' death.

And I was going to find out what.


The whole day passed with me trying my best to look casual and normal around everyone. Thank goodness I was good at hiding my feelings..

Everyone laughed and talked around me, playing games, discussing about god and the world. I just fake smiled at the right places and stayed silent most of the time.

But actually, I was figuring out a way I could leave this orphanage unnoticed. I was definatly going to leave within the next couple of days. I had to find out who killed my mum and dad, if it was the last thing I do.

I was playing with my hands when I excused myself to the bathroom. "I'll be back in a minute!"

When I was out of the living room I let my façade fall for a bit and breathed in deeply. I liked all of them so much. They weren't bad people, not any of them. They had their flaws, but all of them were awesome friends. So why did I have to pull up a façade? They'd help me, right? If I said I have to escape to revenge my parents death but I don't know who or where the killer is - yeah I'm positive they would help me. Note the sarcasm.

I mentally slapped myself and jumped when I heard the all to familiar voice at my ear. "This isn't the toilet."

I held my heart to steady it. But only after a few minutes did I realize it wasn't going to drop to its normal pace anytime soon. Will was standing infront of me, his hands in his pockets and his eyebrows raised. I cleared my throat and was about to smile and act casual when he interrupted me, "Don't pull that off with me, Liv I know somethings wrong."

I was too perplexed to answere. He knew? How in the world -

"How did you know?" I asked a little dizzy.

His blue eyes stared into mine. They looked like they could see right through my walls of defences right at the real me.

He came a step closer and I instantly took a step back, my back hitting against the wall. There was only an arms length between us.

I let out a shallow breath again and cursed myself for getting influenced so quickly by people. People? More like only Will.

"How did you know?" I said a little louder this time.

"I know you. A lot better than you think I do," he said softly. "You can keep your body language in check, it could fool anyone but me. I knew because of your eyes."

"My eyes?" I asked weakly.

He nodded and took another step forward, sothat our bodies were only inches apart."They looked hollow, distant but at the same time determined."

I couldn't help a small smile spread across my lips. "You do know me."

I looked at his full lips and back to his eyes again. He seemed to have noticed because he all of a sudden straightened up and took a few steps back.

I sighed inwardly. Stupid. So stupid! Did you have to-

"So what's wrong?"

I dreaded the question. And I definately didn't want to answere. But there were always his eyes - his fasinating, beautiful eyes - that I knew I couldn't lie to. I sighed and leaned against the wall, folding my arms infront of my chest.

"I can't tell you." The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

I thought I saw a flash of.. hurt cross his face. No that couldn't be. And just as quickly as it came it vanished from his face. He looked at me, emotionless.

"Don't you trust me?"

It was my turn to close the distance between us. I came so close that our faces were only inches apart. Ignoring the butterflies in my stomach I put a hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat. I leaned to his ear and whispered, "Trust is a huge thing, William. It has to be earned."

Letting a victorious smirk play on my lips I turned to go, but he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me against his chest.

"I saved your life, Olivia. And you still don't trust me?"

Or perhaps I just don't want you to bare my burdans. "You don't understand."

I tried to free myself from his grasp and failed. He just pulled me even closer to his chest, our lips were nearly brushing against each other.

His eyes grew a darker shade of blue and his face looked a little.. worried.

"Then explain it to me."

We stayed like that for a while, no one wanting to move first. I inhaled his scent and shut my eyes for a bit. No you can't tell him. Don't tell him!

And for once I listened to myself. Pushing his chest away from me gently I ran a hand through my dark brown curls and turned to go quickly. "Maybe someday," I called over my sholder.

Ignoring the feeling of emptiness as the distance between us grew step by step, I made my way down the hall way to my room. Flinging myself onto the bed and staring up at the ceiling just one thought crossed my mind.

I have to leave. Tonight.

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