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I sobbed into his chest. I could feel his t-shirt soked wet from my tears, but all I could hear was my heartbeat hammering in my ears. He's dead.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and focused. I was going to die soon aswell, and I wanted to do that without crying. I'd rather be burnt alive than have Prior and his bastards find my body with dried tears all over it.

If I die, I die strong and in the arms of the only boy I ever had heart race from.
Why isn't it working? My body was still shivering and my heart was thudding loud in my ears. My dad had taught me how to calm my nerves in stressful situations - I always suceeded. So why-

Pushing my ears harder against his chest I bit my lip.

A faint thud was to be heard. It was faint but it was there! It's his heartbeat-

"You're alive!" I breathed. A wave of happiness washed over me but it passed as I realized: He was fighting to stay alive, too. Panic overcame me.
What do I do? I scanned the room, chewing the inside of my cheak anxiously. Dad never taught me anything like this! Gosh what do I do?!

I was on the verge of hyperventilating, he's dying THINK. Come on Liv, think!

I raked a hand through my hair and took a deep breath, closing my eyes. Focus.
You are in a room filled with a virus, the voice inside my head spoke.
You see him lying on the floor fighting for his life, but you are standing the voice carried on.
You are standing, Liv. What do you notice?

"I don't know," I murmered the tears still flowing down my cheeks.
Focus on yourself for a moment, what do you notice?

I let out a frustrated cry and crouched down on the floor, holding my head in my hands. This is too much, it's too much-
Focus Liv! The voice boomed, making me stop crying in an instant, my head snapping up. Why am I listening to a voice in my head?
Close your eyes Liv, and think. What is the difference between you and Will?

I let out a humourless laugh, "He's dying and I'm not?" I spluttered.

My eyes widened and I quickly whiped the rest of my tears away. I'm alright, but he's dying..

I'm the antidote - it runs through my veins. And how could the antidote save Will? The voice demanded.

"It has to get into his body," I breathed, rushing over to Will's still body. "Johanna said one drop of the virus could wipeout a whole continent, so how strong must the antidote be?"

I went onto my knees and heaved Will's limp body into my lap. His head fell to the side and I couldn't help but whimper when I felt how cold he was.

"Come back to me Will," I whispered letting the tearsdrops roll down my cheeks. Just as it was about to fall I caught it with my finger - the teardrop that could save the boy I love.

"I need you," I opened his mouth slightly with my free hand and prayed that this would work. I made my finger hover over his lips and let the teardrop trickle down it. It fell like in slow motion, into his mouth. I gave him a soft kiss on the lips, "Please Will, come back.."

I backed away, biting the inside of my cheek. C'mon, just this once if there is a god then be on my side. Just this once, please...

I waited for what felt like hours. But nothing happened. Will stayed how he was - motionless and pale. Nothing happened, he didn't move a muscele and his chest had stopped rising and falling. Watching him like that made the last shred of hope inside me vanish. And it was all that took for me to break.

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