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I stood up a few hours later, and decided to have a shower. Getting a towel from my wardrobe and collecting some underwear and clothes I made my way to the bathroom.

The hot water on my skin was just what I needed. I felt relaxed and calm when I was having a hot shower or bath. Who would have cold showers in the morning? I couldn't imagine anything worse.

When I finished, I quickly dryed myself, and pulled on some skinny, blue jeans and a white, loose crop top. Then I tied my curly, brown hair into a pony tail, letting some curls 'frame my face'. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I decided I didn't look as bad as I felt and left the bathroom with a yawn.

"Someone's up early," a tierd Alyssa murmered into her pillow. I shrugged, "Couldn't sleep."

She nodded sadly and didn't talk about it any further. That's what I really like about her. Alyssa knew exactly when it was best not to ask.

"Juma's downstairs with Leo," she grinned, her tierd face lightening up a bit. I smiled back and muttered, "I'm going downstairs now. You coming?"

"Nooo you run along. I'm not quite in this world yet, my brain needs a while and a bit of coffee to start functioning again." She winked at me and I walked out of the room and down the stairs.

Just as I had sat down, Will put his plate next to me again. I held my breath. Oh no. I blushed and picked up my spoon, ready to shovel cornflakes into my mouth.

He didn't say anything, just watched me eat, a little smile spread across his features.

When I finally looked straight at him, his expression became guarded again. I sighed, and carried on eating. So what. You don't really care about him. You don't think it's cute how he always sits with you. Or how he watches you carefully, almost caring. You DON'T CARE.

If I kept telling myself that, maybe someday I'd believe it.

I was so occupied with my thoughts that I didn't notice Miss Dawson come in.

"Olivia?" she said, her voice a little strained and strict. "Would you come with me, please." It was more of an order than a question, so I stood up and was just going to follow her when a hand slid into mine, pulling me back a bit. I stared, startled into Will's eyes. He just bent down and whispered into my ear, "I'm just coming for moral support."

I didn't say anything, just nodded and made my way after Miss Dawson who had raised an eyebrow at us. Why did Will have to do stuff like that? Someday people will think we're.. a couple or something.

Ignoring the twist my stomach did at that, I followed Miss Dawson into the living room. Sitting on the sofa was Officer Eveland and a bold headed, brown eyed man. He looked like he was in his mid fiftys and he seemed to be extremely nervous. I stopped abruptly, and Will walked straight into me. "He took my arm and murmered a "Sorry," as he guided me to sit on the red sofa opposite the two men. Miss Dawson took a place on the sofa next to me and Will sat on my left, though not that close.


"Just Liv, please," I interupted her, nervously playing with my hands in my lap. Miss Dawson sighed and carried on, "Yes, Liv: This is Officer Eveland,  whom you allready know I think.."

Flashbacks of the flames and my parents flickered infront of me. I shuddered.

"...and this is Stanley Rowden, he is a-"

"Lawyer, I know."

They stared at me, a little astonished. It wasn't that hard to see. His trousers were ironed and so was his jacket. He didn't have any laugh-folds at his eyes, so he didn't laugh that much. Meaning a serious job - but not a badly paid one, judging by the rolex on his left wrist. His shoes were new or newly polished, with hardly any scratches on them, so he had to work inside - an office, for example. Yes definately, the bold head signalized stress, and that's always a factor if you work in a office.

All together, a well-paid, serious/sad, yet nervous person = lawyer. There were many other points that prooved I was right, but the conversations had started again and I needed to pay attention. Stanley Rowden. Stanley.. that was who was on the phone with Miss Dawson last night!

"Yes, I am a lawyer.." he said in awe. "Your parents used to do that sort of stuff all the time."

"You knew my parents?" I whispered, my hands shivering a little.

"Stanley was a colleague and close friend of your parents," Miss Dawson said.

"You're dad was the funniest guy I ever met. I will never stop missing him," Stanley Rowden said, averting his eyes. I swallowed heavily. "Why did you come? And why have I never heard of you?" I asked him.

He leaned forward and gazed into my eyes intensely, almost exactly like my dad used to do. "Liv, you're Dad and Mum didn't leave you empty handed."

I frowned at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"He's saying that your parents left you something in their will," Officer Eveland explained. "Or to be exact, everything."

I stared at him blankly. Everything?

"The house, the money (ALL the money) and a lot more. Including your other houses in Maliboo, Skegness, Mallorca, Verona, Los Angeles and Tabriz - they all belong to you."

I sat there, overwhelmed.

"Your parents' will says that they want you to only get the house when you're eighteen. But the money belongs to you, from today on," Stanley Rowden smiled.

I looked over at Will, who (as always) looked calm.

All of a sudden, Stanley Rowden spoke again, his voice hoars. "That was not the only reason we came here, Olivia."

Oh god no. This can't be good.

"Yes.." Officer Eveland continued, clearing his throat. "During our investigations on the fire, two of our men thought there could be a connection between it and the car accident of your parents."

I nodded slowly.

"We found out, and have evidence, that your parents didn't die in an accident. The brakes were sabotaged."

Officer Eveland looked at me sadly.

"Your parents were murdered."

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