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"Will, they saw us going out of the motel, so they'll have guards watching it.. how will we get our stuff?"

He shrugged and put an arm around my sholders, "You're a billionair now, Liv. You can just get some new clothes and all that-"

"And you?"

His eyes shone in the streetlights when he smiled at me. "I've got some money, don't worry about me."

I nodded and watched my feet take step for step forward, next to Will's. I sighed a sigh of relief when I remembered that I had taken the phone with me.

We walked in silence. I was thinking about the kiss. Did that mean that he loved me? Did I love him? Or was I just some sort of a fling, another girl to hook up with?

I decided that it wasn't that important at the moment. I have to concentrate on getting to the old lab, something important had to be there. Johanna's last words were to got to the lab, there had to be some sort of a clue. Perhaps even the antidote!

"What are you thinking?" Will suddenly asked me, snapping me out of my daze.

"Oh me? Uhm.. just about this whole lab thing..it seems weird."

He frowned, "Weird?"

"Yeah.." I trailed off, stuffing my hands into my jeans pockets. Wow it's cold.

"What if it isn't even that important? She was dying, perhaps she was hallucinating or something-"

I shook my head. "Definately not. She wants me to go there for a reason."

We walked down the streets heading for the bus stations, our heads down. The bus was going to come in 15 minutes.

We sat in silence, my butt getting cold on the metal seats of the bus stop. Will saw me shudder and without another word picked me up by my waist and put me on his lap. I let out a squeek and he pulled me closer towards him, his chest warm against my back. Then he leaned into my ear and whispered, "Better?"

His eyes held amusement, like always, and my cheaks flushed. I looked anywhere but into his eyes.

Why did he have to be so good-looking?

"Did you like it?" Will asked pulling me against him, even tighter.

"Did I like what?"

"The kiss."

I blushed even more, if that was possible. "Uh.."

"You're blushing," he smirked.

"Am not!" I tried to loosen his grip on me but he only drew me tighter against him.

"You are, and I can see it. So don't even try, I know what effect I have on you."

I could practically hear him smirk behind me. Time for revenge.

I turned and swung my other leg over the seat so that I was straddling his lap, facing him. He stiffened as I leaned in closer, our faces inches apart. "William, if you want to get me all shy and blushy you managed.." I said trailing my finger down his jawline and traced his beautiful full lips. I kissed his jaw and then let a trail of kisses down his neck. What if he doesn't like it? That would be really embarassing.. But I carried on until I heard a small groan escape his lips. I snapped my head up at him and grinned mischievously. "...But I can do the same to you."

He looked shocked and something else..

I smirked at him and got off his lap, because the bus had arrived and because an old lady was looking at us disaprovingly. I got onto the bus and waited for Will to get into the seat next to me.

The whole ride he would just stare at me and when I'd stare back at him he quickly looked away.

We drove for what felt like hours, but when we finally arrived at the train station and got out of the smelly bus I could breathe in deeply. Will still hadn't said anything and he was still staring at me from under his dark lashes.

I decided to ignore it and made my way to a motel not far from the train station. I got a room with two seperate beds, Will close behind me. I could feel his stares in my back and I was starting to feel uncomfortable. I grabbed the keys from the man behind the counter and made my way to the stairs-

At least I wanted to. All of a sudden Will grabbed my elbow and we were in an elevator. The doors closed slowly and I felt my stomach tighten. Damn claustrophobia.

As soon as the doors had closed I felt my body be pressed against the cold elevator wall. I gasped when I noticed Will leaning into me. He grinned and put his mouth to my ear and said: "Revenge, darling."

I didn't even have enough time to realise what he had said because his lips were allready on mine.

This kiss was definately not sweet anymore. It was full of lust and desire yet passionate. His lips were feverish against mine and before I could stop myself I was kissing him back, completely forgetting my surroundings. When he bit my lower lip I let out a moan and he broke free, smiling against my lips. "I won."

I stiffened. Was this a contest for him? "Oh so this is a contest?"

His eyes widened and he stuttered, "N-no I mean uh-"

I didn't let him finish. I had always been a very competitive person, and someone 'winning' against me wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

I turned us around so that his back slammed the elvator wall causing the whole thing to shake. Somehow though, I didn't even care. I was too occupied with Will.

I lowered my lips to his and started nibbling a little on his lower lip. He tried to raise his hands to my face but I grabbed them and pulled them to my waist. My hands went under his t-shirt and traced his eight-pack. When I then slid my tongue down his bottom lip he groaned. I broke free and watched his face reden and his hair stand all over the place.

He was looking at me in shock, still panting a little.

"I think I won," I grinned and turned to the elevator doors that were opening with a ding. I mentally patted myself on the back.

I heard felt Will walking next to me, his arm brushing against mine.

"Have you kissed before?"

I smiled a mona lisa smile and said nothing.

"Oh c'mon," Will's eyes were pleading with me.

"Well, what do you think?"

He shrugged, "well after that kiss I would say yes you did."

I stopped in my tracks and bit my lip. Should I tell him?

"Don't do that."

I frowned at him, "Do what?"

He moved closer to me and pressed his lips against mine, softly. When he broke free he smiled a real smile, not a smirk and said "Don't bite your lip like that it's just extremely.. distracting."

My heart was racing. I smiled back at him and didn't even try to hold back my blush. "That was nice of you to say."

He looked away quickly and said quietly, "Well I meant it."

Before I could say anything else he carried on down the corridoor, "What room are we in?" he called from over his shoulder.

I willed myself to get out of this stupid daze and shook my head, hoping to clear it from all the hazy smoke it contained every time Will touched me. "Um.. room 007."

He chuckled and started humming the James Bond theme song. "Does that mean I'm James Bond and you're the hot chick I'm banging tonight?"

I could only gape at him. "What?! No!"

He laughed whole heartedly and although I tried, I couldn't be mad at him for long. By the time I had swung open the door to our room for the night, I was laughing too.

I realised how much easier all of this was with Will. He made me laugh even in the darkest of times, and I think that if I don't manage to stop myself.. I might be falling. Falling bad for this boy.

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