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We were waiting at the bus station, and my hands were getting numb from the cold. Why did I have to forget my jacket?

Just then someone put a black coat around me. I wasn't even suprised to see it was Will. God, I couldn't even get out of his way when I wanted to..

I just looked everywhere else than into his eyes and tried to concentrate. His jacket smells good though..

The bus arrived, and Juma, Alyssa, Leo, Jaz, Cassy, Izzy and Dylan got in hurrying to find good places. Will climbed into the bus and turned to offer me a hand. I was just about to ignore it and get in myself when someone grabbed me from behind.

Everything happened so fast.

I screamed and kicked as the person pulled me away from the bus. I saw Will's shocked face and shouted "GET OFF ME! HELP!"

I turned in his grasp, just enough to get a glance of who was trying to kidnap me. It was the hooded man who sat right in the back of the cinema. Had he been following me?!

"WILL!" was the last thing I could scream before the hooded man covered my mouth and dragged me further from the bus.

All of a sudden the hooded man froze and he was thrown to the floor. I let out a shriek as I fell onto my knees, cutting them open. I rolled over and sat up, just in time to see Will's fist collide with the hooded man's face. He kicked his feet away from the ground and the hooded man landed on the road with a thud. Will was breathing heavily, his fists clenched.

The hooded man was allready slowly getting up, wiping away the blood that was pouring from his nose. I stared in horror as he made his way to Will, panting and snarling at him from under his hood. He leapt for Will, but Will dodged him, throwing the hooded man to the floor and kneeling ontop of him, holding his hands clenched behind his back.

Just as Will slammed the hooded man against the bus, I saw something shiny at his belt. It looked like... a badge. But when I squinted my eyes together I saw something more important that made my heart freeze. "WILL!" I shouted hectically, "HE HAS A WEAPON!"

Will turned, his eyes wide, and loosened his grip. Just enough for the hooded man to pull his weapon. I heard a shot, and automatically ducked, covering my ears with my hands. I heard footsteps, and someone pulled me to my feet, calling my name. As I opened my eyes a little, I saw Alyssa's frantic face infront of me. She was talking but I couldn't hear her. Instead I pushed past her and gazed at the place Will had stood. Before the hooded man had shot. No. NO!


Somebody tapped me on the sholder and I turned, my eyes wide, frantic and scared.

"Yes, Gorgeous?" Will said smirking a little. I couldn't believe it.

"But.. but he shot at you and-" I stammered.

"No Olivia, he missed me. I'm fine," he winked and put his hands into his pockets.

I couldn't believe it.

First he goes all ninja and saves me, then he is nearly killed but ISN'T killed and now he stood infront of me calling me gorgeous!

I ignored the flattering in my stomach, and jabbed a finger at him.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW SCARED I WAS WHEN YOU WEREN'T THERE ANYMORE?!" I shouted at him, tears collecting in my eyes. He was staring at me, bewildred and stunned, his blue eyes wide. I bit my lower lip keeping it from quivering. Before I would break down in tears again, I turned and climbed into the bus, this time in between Juma and Leo. Juma kept asking me how I was and Leo put his arm around me, soothing me.

When we arrived back at the orphanage, I went straight upstairs.

I fell on my bed, not even bothering to get into my pjamas and get rid of my make-up. Staring up at the ceiling, I let the tears fall silently.  Why would someone want to kidnap me? He had a badge, I was sure. But was he a policeman? An agent? He had had a weapon aswell. And he nearly killed Will.

I really had thought that the moment his clear blue eyes had locked with mine, and the man had held his weapon up, it was the last time I would see those beautiful eyes. I remembred the terror and pain I had felt when I didn't see him.

If something would have happened to him..

I shook my head at myself. No. He's here, just a few doors away from this room.

I felt myself calm down a little, and closed my eyes slowly.

My last thought before everything went dark was of a warm hand in mine.

Burning RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora