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The next day, all the girls were discussing what to wear, while I was laying on the red couch, glancing out the window. It was rainy again.

"Hellooo? Earth to Liv?" Izzy waved a hand infront of my face, rolling her eyes.


"We just asked you what you were going to wear?"

"Oh... Uh.. I was just going to..well, you know.. go in jeans."

"JEANS?" Cassy choked on her sandwich, "Liv, Miss Dawson said fancy wear!"

I sat up on the couch and raised my eyebrows at her. "Look, Cassy. I was trained to know when people aren't telling the truth by my parents. They said that the pulse goes up, the eyes wander, and the breathing stops a bit or quickens slightly," I stopped to see them gaze at me in awe and added, "so I know that it was your wish with the fancy wear not Miss Dawson's. But I get why you did it, the boys would never dress up if they weren't forced to."

There was a short silence.

"Woha. You got me," Cassy grinned, her palms up in the air. "Anyway: I say that you can't go in jeans."

"But I don't have dresses! The only clothes I have were delivered from our old home in Skegness. And there are no dresses that I c-"

"Don't worry about that, we'll have one for you somewhere," Alyssa winked.

I tried my best to convince them I didn't need a dress, but after hours of discussing I finally gave up.

"So.. tomorrows the day. I can't wait! We'll have a make-over session in Juma's, Ayllsa's and Liv's room before we go!" Cassy clapped her hands together and squealed.

I smiled to myself. It's sort of cute how she's so excited..

I stood up and told the girls I was going to my room a bit. I trudged down the stairs slowly, staring at my chucks.

Just then I rammed against someone, and was just about to mumble a sorry when I noticed who it was.

My heart started racing again. I was staring up into piercing blue eyes, and they were only a few inches apart from mine. I could smell his sent so clearly..

"This is starting to become a habit," Will said, his voice low and.. incredibly sexy. He was grinning at me, which made me hold my breath automaticly.

I shook my head to clear it. "What is?"

"You running into me," he said sighing. I could feel his breath near my ear. I shuddered.

"Yeah.. sorry about that... I was thinking about things."

He raised an eyebrow, making me dizzy.

"Well.." he said, taking a step back and looking at me strangley. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at me from under his dark lashes.

I waited but nothing came. I smiled a little nervous and confused, and just got ready to turn and go when he held my wrist tightly, pulling me towards him. I gasped as he was close to me again. I couldn't think properly...

"Who are you going with tomorrow?"

I stared at him, eyes wide. "I don't know yet, I was thinking perha-"

"Go with me," Will interrupted, his eyes never leaving mine. "Go with me, Olivia Firestone."

My heart did a summersault as I tried to open my mouth and say something. I cleared my throat and said quietly, "Allright Will..?"

"William Tenswood," he whispered near my ear. Then he let go of my wrist and rushed up the stairs.

I couldn't help but smile to myself again. My cheaks were still warm and I could still hear my heart pounding in my chest. Oh god, what was this boy doing to me? I have to get a grip..

I walked uo to my room and sunk on to the bed. Staring at the ceiling, I replayed what had just happened in my head.

I was going to the night-out with Will.


Hi guys (whoever is reading this) :*

I reaaalllyy appreciate the votes (danke @Pompej, du bist voll süß:*) and I actually pretty much never thought people would actually read my story ;) it's my first here on wattpad, so ..

Leave comments for what you think is going to happen or if you have any questions, corrections etc and vote if you want, I won't judge if you don't :)
luvbooks200 xxx

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