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Don't judge me by my past, I don't live there anymore.

Savannah woke up later than usual the next morning. She had spent the better part of the night hacking into the phone. Once she had been sure that the communication would not be tracked by anyone, most importantly Stark, she had called Pierce. 

He hadn't been happy that it had taken her so long to contact him but he applauded her for keeping her cover. She would've asked him if he knew about her bio parents but she didn't want to bring it up. She had decided that if he had known about her real parents, he would've told her. Of course he would've. He wouldn't keep something like that from her.

Savannah had just walked into the kitchen, only to find all the Avengers including Morgan and Pepper, already there. It was weird, someone would usually call her for breakfast so that she wouldn't walk alone but now they had let her sleep in.

This was... weird.

Peter was the first one to notice her. "Savannah!" he called, getting everyone's attention. "Thanks for watching Morgan while I went to do Spiderman stuff"

Savannah guessed that Tony or someone had told him about the lie she made up to cover his tracks. She brushed him off and sat down at the table.

"How'd you sleep?" asked Natasha.

"Slept fine" That was kinda a lie, she had gotten four hours of sleep at most but she was still proud of herself for getting the phone to work.

"We were talking" started Bucky, "And we came to the conclusion that you should probably have a little more freedom"

"We were planning on having a picnic outside for lunch today, do you want to join?" Finished Nat.

Savannah was slightly confused on the sudden change of heart, they had never even let her go on the balcony before and now they wanted a picnic?

But Savannah wasn't going to complain, she hadn't been outside in days, plus, she was still in a good mood from yesterday.

"Sounds fun" She agreed before grabbing a muffin off the table and taking a big bite from it.

Peter had come to her room after breakfast to thank her again for taking care of Morgan. Savannah really didn't mind, especially since she had gotten what she needed anyways.

Peter had stayed in her room however and was now telling Savannah all about how his date had gone. She wasn't really paying attention but she let him talk while she sketched a unicorn in one of her notebooks. Morgan had asked her what the unicorn from the mission from last night's story had looked like so Savannah had agreed to draw one for her.

"And I think we're gonna hang out again sometime next week, maybe you'll get to meet her" Peter said hopefully and Savannah looked up from her sketch.

"I don't know if that'll happen Peter, I'm barely allowed out of the tower" She reminded him.

"I know I know, just a maybe" he muttered before jumping off the bed and walking over to her and peering down at the drawing.

"A unicorn?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"For Morgan," Savannah explained.

Before Peter could ask why there was a knock at the door. He walked to the door and opened it all the way, Savannah could see Pietro raise his eyebrows when he saw that Peter opened the door.

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now