Chapter 10

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 When I woke up and saw Aaron lying next to me. Water dripping from his mouth and he smelled.. Alcohol. Typical, I think his friends and him were at the bar again.

I hopped in the shower and got changed. Then I saw guys were lying on the couch and also on the floor of the living room. They looked so stupid and funny.

I was about to prepare guys and myself breakfast. Until I saw Jaybee sitting on my kitchen table, looking down at his hanging feet. He looked up to me when I entered,


"Morning." he mumbled, grumpy. Then he stood up and left without another word.

I prepared some pancakes and bacon,singing Jake's "Bacon Pancake" song. Also they might have a hangover, so I made coffee as well.

I tried to woke them up starting with Jolle.

"Jolly, wakey wakey." I said with a soft voice, poking him slightly.

"Wha-what?! Where am I?" he mumbled.

"Come on, go and wash your face you lazy ass."

"Darn women, what's wrong with you." he said chuckling lightly, but still sleepy.

Then I woke Niclas and Pete up, but Jonas was resisting.

"Come on Jonas, wake up!"

"Leave it to me" Pete said so I did.

"Wanna see a magic trick?"

He picked one of the smelly socks off of the floor and hold it on Jonas's face.

"What the fuck dude? You are disgusting!" Jonas said his eyes wide open from the horrible smell.

"See? MAGIC !" he said throwing his hands in the air slowly as sparkles were coming down. I laughed but Jonas was still cursing.

"Come on guys, the breakfast is ready!" I said as I poured coffee in 5 mugs.

"Wooo I smell bacon, and.. PANCAKES!" Pete said and cheered like a 5 year old.

I opened the door of guests room to call Jaybee for breakfast but saw him sleeping. He looked so peaceful, happy and innocent. I had to push the huge urge to kiss him wake up. Jeez what's happening to me?

"Jaybee wake up." I said and poked him. He did when I said it for the third time.

"Breakfast's ready." I said and headed back to the kitchen. I saw Aaron pouring coffee to his mug. I sat down with the guys then Jaybee entered,

"Morning." he muttered, messing with his hair.

Aaron, as usual, sat next to me and before sitting he pecked on my lips, I tasted the nasty combination of alcohol and coffee.

"I-I think I'm not hungry, I'm going out" Jaybee muttered and left.

I wanted to stop him but I couldn't.

After we had breakfast and do the dishes guys left, too. They said another place wanted them to perform a gig, and they left to talk with the owner of that cafe.

I was alone with Aaron. I decided to read a book, so I lied down on my bed to read it but then I saw Aaron looking at me, waiting at my rooms doorframe.


He started to come closer.

"You know, we are alone finally, without your friends... And I'm not even asking why did you let those idiots to stay... But we can talk that later. Now all I want is you." he said as he pressed his lips to mine and got on top of me. I didn't kiss him back.

Kiss Me Like You Love Me (Her Bright Skies/ Jaybee Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora