Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock at 4 in the morning. Today is the day!!

I stood up grabbed my favourite dark purple hoodie and my black skinnies. I took a quick shower, got dressed and add a little mascara just in case. I ran around in my room like crazy, checking if I missed anything to pack. When I was sure that I got everything I need it was about 5 am, and our plane is leaving at 6.30.

Then I heard a knock at our front door, I literally flew downstairs. Nearly breaking my neck in process. I opened the door and saw Cody.

"Hey."he said with his deep husky voice,he sounded upset.

"HEEEY!" I yelled as I gave him a big hug.

Mom was in the kitchen making us pancakes. So we got upstairs, to my room.

"Soo whats up?" I asked.

"Awww I'm gonna miss you!!" he cried as he threw his arms in the air then hugged me tight. 

"Awe I'm gonna miss you too Cody-bear but it's just for 1 week!"

"I know... But I will just hang around like a freak with out you!" he whined.

I gave him the most serious look you can ever imagine "Hey dude we always hang around like freaks, we are freaks together!" then a laugh escaped from his lips.

"Yeah what will I do when you are gone?" he asked upset with a sigh staring at my bedrooms floor.

Yeah that's right I'm his only friend and he is my only one.

"Hey don't think like that, I will bring you presents?!" i said cheerfully, puching his arm. 

"I will kick your ass if you don't" he said pushing me playfully. 

We had breakfast and headed to airport. I was about to say goodbye to Cody but he seemed so upset. I kissed his nose,

"Think about the presents! And I will text you every single day, so dont forget to check your phone!" I said as I hugged him.

" I will miss you" we both said at the same time then chuckled.

"TAKE CARE" he yelled after me and waved I waved back, my mom and I headed to the queue to give our bags.

So about my cousin I'm going to see... Allison, she has always been like my big sister after mine hung herself. She always took care of me, listened to me. She went to Sweden for her education to become a lawyer, we always talk on phone or skype but I'm going to  see her for the first time after 2 years.

I can't wait.

Jönköping here I come.

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