Chapter 12

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I woke up, expecting to see Jaybee next to me, but I saw I was hugging to his pillow instead.

I retied my hair picked up my sweat pants and a tshirt to wear after a morning shower.

But when I entered the bathroom, I saw somebody taking a shower. I could see who it was through the glass door, it was Jaybee.

Jaybee turned around to the sound of the door, naked obviously.

"OH GOD. I didn't see anything!" I said blocking my view with my free hand. And got out of the bathroom.

I saw his butt, and to be honest it was one sexy butt. I felt my cheeks heating up as I think of his cute bum.

I waited him to come out, a few minutes later he did.

He has only a towel wrapped around his waist. Water dripping from his hair, making its way through his chest. He smiled at me seductively.

I bit my lip and blushed a little bit more.

"Sorry about earlier." I mumbled, looking down avoding his gaze, I didn't want him to see that he made me blush that crazy, he would think I'm a pervert or some other shit.

"Its okay. It was fun." he replied chuckling.

I looked up to him, narrowing my eyes.

"Idiot." I said smiling at him.

I got in the shower and got changed.

I started preparing breakfast but a few minutes later I heard the door bell ring.

I answered it, I totally wasn't expecting to see what I saw. Aaron was standing in the door way of my freaking house, with a big backpack. My stomach did flipped. I don't want to deal with him anymore, everything just started to be back to normal, I just started to feel happy. But sadly, I don't think it will last for long.

"Why are you here?" I hissed, my arm blocking his enterance. I would never threat someone like this especially not him, but after seeing what I saw, I just go with it.

"Relax babe, I'm here to grab my stuff." he pushed my arm making his way inside. He walk passed me, close enough to smell the alcohol. And the time he called me 'babe' I felt the anger rising inside me, reminding my heart break.

He made his way to my room, I followed him, making sure that this will end with no trouble. When he entered my room, he saw Jaybee listening to music, on the bed.

I saw Jaybee's eyes widening when he saw Aaron standing in front of him. He jumped off of the bed and walked next to me, wraping his arm around my waist, protectively.

"So you already got somebody new?" Aaron asked with a mocking smile on his face, but I could see how bitter he feels in his eyes.

"Aaron, we are just friends." I said trying to make him feel a little better, I don't know why now but I felt sorry for him for a moment. He wasn't a bad person, I knew him well.

"Oh yeah?! So why was he laying on your bed and how can you explain this?" he kinda growled pointing at Jaybee's arm around my waist.

"I don't have to explain you anything. Its none of your bussiness anymore. " I said with a soft voice, trying to stay calm as possible.

He grabbed and threw all his stuff in his bag, that I seperated next to the closet.

"So you left me for this bastard." I heard him mumbling underneath his breath as he did.

Jaybee's fist tightened, I could see the anger flashing through his blue eyes. I had to hold him back, and watch Aaron walk pass us.

"Just let him go, he will never be back anyway. Let's do this with less trouble as possible." I whispered to Jaybee, and kissed his cheek softly.

He just nodded and walked to the hall with me, to make sure he was gone.

"Aaron, please don't come back here again, we are through. I don't mean any harm to you and I still love you as a friend." I said chewing my bottom lip nervously when he was in the door way of the front door to leave. And I hoped he would just walk away without responding. 

"Why would I ? Somebody else already got you as his play toy." he muttered in disgust.

"Dont you dare to-" Jaybee made his hand a fist, trying to hold back his feelings, Aaron cut him off.

"What? Call her a play toy? I can call her what I want. Have fun with your little whore." he flipped him off.

I couldn't hold Jaybee anymore. In a millisecond, he escaped from my grib on his arm and pushed Aaron to the apartment's cold cement wall and his tight fist met Aaron's chin.

"DONT. YOU. CALL. HER. A WHORE!" Jaybee growled as he punched Aaron several times.

I tried to stop them but I couldn't. I was pushed away by both of them.

I was shaking from fear and anger. I never saw Jaybee like this, anger flashing through his eyes, making its way to his fist and causing him to hit Aaron's face even harder every single time. 

Aaron managed to push Jaybee away and got on top of him, punched him a few times.

I screamed as his strong fist met Jaybee's sides leading his face to the same direction.

"STOP! AARON STOP!" I screamed, crying. I tried to push him off of Jaybee but Aaron's fist swung at me and hit my stomach. I stumbled back then collapsed on the floor, trying to get up again but the pain didn't let me to.

After that I glanced at them again, slowly opening my eyes. And I saw that somehow Jaybee managed to get top of Aaron, beating the shit out of him. 

I heard some footsteps climbing up the stairs and hoped that it belonged to somebody who would help. Guys were at the laundry room and thank god the sound was their footsteps. The moment they saw what was happening, they rushed to help. Pete and Jolle picked Jaybee off of Aaron but Jaybee kicked his stomach for one last time. Then Jonas helped me up, I wrapped my arm around his neck as he held me from the waist.

Aaron got up and picked his bag. Then wiped the blood from his mouth, looked and me furiously and walked away.


Guys helped Jaybee in, set him on the couch and grabbed some water and towel.

"A-are you okay?" I said crying and caresing his hair with my shaking hand.

I think he saw the fear in my eyes that his anger faded away and his hand caressed my cheek.

"Hey, don't cry! I'm okay. And that bastard totally deserved it. I don't regret nothing" he said trying to smile, but it was obvious that he was in pain.

"Does your stomach hurt? He hit pretty hard." he asked with a concerned but soft voice, his smile was turned upside down into a big frown.

"I'll live." I said smiling slightly.

I kissed his forehead, trying not to hurt him. He winced a little but then smiled warmly. I picked up the wet towel and cleaned the blood off of his face, trying to stop the bleeding in his nose.

"Don't ever do something that stupid again." I mumbled, brushed my lips softly on his skin tasted the funny iron taste of his blood.

"Okay babe, but as I said, I don't regret anything."


Sorry it was kinda short. And this chapter sucks, again I'm sorry. :( 

But thanks for reading it anyway, I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw this fanfiction almost got 500 reads. I almost cried :') 

Thank you very very very much!

Love you all. :3

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