Chapter 22

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My dream is a total boomer.

Well not really, but it's not exactly like how I dreamed it would be.

I have an apartment here in Italy, a little bit bigger than my old one. It's one of those ancient apartments with the beautifully carved figures outside and surprisingly cheap to rent.

As for the job, since I am a newbie, they give me small jobs, and the kind of work that janitors do. Bring coffee, put files in order, give girly advice to the freaking crybaby whose desk is next to mine.. Yeah that was the kind of stuff I deal during the past year of my life.

I sink in the floppy moldy old sofa with a bag of Doritos in my hands, watching the new episode of Supernatural and Buff lying her ass down on the other end of the sofa.

A scene flashed with two mid-aged woman talking in formal clothing. "Cordelia?" I whispered as I recognize one of them from Buffy.

Then a super-attractive man with curly light brown hair appeared on the screen, close enough to point out the age lines from his flawless face.

"SPIKEY!" I cried in excitement as I shoot up in the sofa causing half of the bag spill on floor and ending up with a terrified Buff. But as soon as she saw the chips on the floor, her tongue slung by her side hungrily, jumping of the sofa to sweep up to floor in her own way. (AN/ Spike is one of the main characters in Buffy The Vampire Slayer series, he is still super hot although he is probably older than my mom right now .-. ~James Marsters, google him~ ^^ and that was exactly how I reacted to that episode of Supernatural :D)

I swear I don't starve this dog, she is just a 24/7 eater. She reminds me of my 14 year old self. *sigh*

Yet again I got distracted after Cordelia's friend's throat sliced into half with a flying silver tray, and her head rolled off on the floor.

"Ha! The bitch is finally got sliced!" I cried happily eating my chips. It was about time.

I licked my fingertips staring at the low dusty celling aimlessly. My mind slipping off the reality again.

I can't say this one year was great.

Did I learn dozens of new information in architecture? Yes.

Do I get on well with my boss? Absolutely.

Did they let me design anything for real? No.

Did I make new friends? Hell no.

It's not the language I fear but I have this shyness stuck on me from my teen years when it comes to making friends. That's why I only had Cody in the beginning, and that's why I only had Grace when I lived in New York. And Her Bright Skies, all my serious friendships started with an unseen accident, stealing teddybear in kindergarten or running into each other.

I didn't attempt to start new conversations with workers, neither they did. The company workers are from all around the world but none of them is like me. I am the freak like always but this time I am fucking proud of being one, I mean I am myself and my opinions are true to me, I'm not lying anyone to be the boss' puppy. I am the one who stands out with my now short bleached light pink hair and printed high-waist pants instead of blonde hair and a boring suit.

... I do miss my friends though.

... I miss my boyfriend.

My eyes began to water as I think of him, it is pretty much a daily routine by now, remembering my loving friends and him then bursting into tears for at least half an hour.

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