Chapter 11

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After the moment we had, we walked home hand in hand. He looked at me, raised one eyebrow,

"You look cold! Here!" he said, giving me his leather jacket.

Now he only has a sleeveless Blink-182 tank top on. I slipped the jacket on my own tank top. Smiling because it was way too big on me. And yeah wearing only a tank-top in December isn't wise, don't do that.

"Thanks, but you will get cold, it's freezing!"

"Hey I'm okay! I'm Swedish remember? Here is like summer in Jönköping! I'm fine as long as you are." a huge smile played on his lips as he put one arm around my shoulder. I looked up at him and pecked on his lips.

As we arrived home, it was around 10 pm. I knocked on the door and Pete answered it. His eyes widened by the sight.

"HEY GUYS COME HERE QUICK!" he called, guys rushed off and came before we even stepped in.

"And this is the view, we were waiting to see for 7 years, take a close look!" Pete said clapping his hands, showing us like he was giving a museoum tour.

I laughed to his stupidness.

Then kissed Jaybee on the lips, to entertain the guys some more, as we kissed, they cheered with wolf whistles.

"Okay enough entertainment for you guys, now be good boys and let us in, we are freezing!" I said.

They stepped away to let us in.

After a few episodes of Buffy, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

"Come on love, you should go to bed, you can't keep your eyes open." Jaybee said softly, stroking my cheek.

He helped me up of his chest and carried me to my bedroom. When he put me on the bed, I smelled the sharp smell of alcohol, the scent of Aaron.

I forced myself to get up. I took of the covers of the mattress, threw them on the floor with some of my dirty clothes. I opened every drawer, and the door of my closet.

Then opened my bedrooms window, let New York's air take away Aarons scent.

I picked up the covers and clothes put them in the full hamper. Carrying it to the living room,

"Guys do you have any dirty clothes, I'm doing laundry."

"What are you doing, you were sleeping a few minutes ago." Jaybee said concerned, and took the huge basket from me.

"Come with me to the laundry room and I will explain" I whispered in his ear. He nodded as okay. All others gave me their dirty clothes, and put them into another hamper.

Jaybee and I got downstairs to the laundry room of our apartment.

I put the white ones in one machine, blacks to another and pressed start.

"I'm listening." Jaybee said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It just smelled like him. I couldn't sleep."

"Who? Aaron?" I nodded.

"I thought you break up like you know... without fighting." he said rubbing back of his head.

"No, I lied about that... I'm sorry." I looked down.

"He shouted at me, called you guys morons and called me a waste of time. I just didn't know he felt like that for all this time." a few tears rolled down my cheeks. I wiped them off quickly before they hit the ground, then felt warm arms around my waist.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here. Why would you cry for him if he never truly loved you? I do love you more than anything. And he is the one who is stupid, he let you slip away from his arms by acting like a moron. But I'm glad he did, 'cause you are mine now." he said hugging me.

I buried my face into his chest. He put his hand gently under my chin and made me look up, in his beautiful sky blue eyes and kissed me gently.

Our kiss deepened, I wanted him more than before, no I needed him. So I pushed my body over his, making him stumble back a little,and kissed him back with all my passion. He licked my bottom lip asking for entry, I let him in almost immediately. I bit his tongue slightly a few times, but then I let his to explore my mouth, he smiled into our kiss, which I'm guessing is because of his victory.He flipped us, pushing me to the wall and placing his hands on my hips, kissing me deeply.

Then the beeping sound of the washing machine made us stop and pull away. We were both in a deep red color from lack of air. I looked down blushing.

"Sorry about that." I mumbled he din't even bother to reply he just wore a cocky smirk.

I got the laundry placed them into the dryers and waited like 5 minutes to get them done. He helped me to carry the clean laundry upstairs.

He got his own laundry and others to place them into their room. I replaced now clean covers on my bed, closed the window, satisfied with the fresh air now filled my bedroom. I closed the drawers as well.

I made my hair a loose ponytail, and changed into pjs. I was about to go to bed but then I remembered the kitchen is a mess.

"Fuuck." I mumbled and stood up, headed to the kitchen.

But when I did, I saw guys cleaning up the mess.

"I could have cleaned it up.."

"We didn't want you to get more tired, you are already!" Jonas said and blow some of the bubbles on me that was on his hand.

"Awww, guys thank you!"

I hugged each of them tight.

"Now you go to bed and have a good night sleep." Jaybee said hugging me.

"Aren't you coming?"

"Oh I will take out the floor mat..."

"Are you kidding me? You can sleep with me! I mean if you want." I blushed like crazy when I said that.

Guys cheered with wolf whistles, and pushed Jaybee playfully. Jaybee blushed and his face turned into a deep red color.

"Come on guys, cut it off.." he said shyly but smiling as well.

"Oh not like that! like sleep, sleep! Not other thingy." I said quickly panicking and blushing even more.

"Come on" I said pulling Jaybee out, heading to the bedroom.

"O-okay.." he said with the same huge smile on his lips.

He took his pjs and headed to the bathroom. I lied down on the bed, waiting for him. He came out a few minutes later, with a baggy red checkered pj pants and his Blink 182 tshirt.

Before he lied down next to me he took his shirt off, threw it on the chair that I put my clothes on.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked giggling well blushing as well.

"Nope it's too hot in here." he said, smiling at me.

I cuddled up next to him resting my head on his chest.

"Goodnight, beautiful" he said kissing the top of my head

"Night night." I said smiling and put a little kiss on his bare chest. 

After all these years, I think I felt truly happy for the very first time.

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