Chapter 18

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I stood in the middle of nowhere, walls painted in white, high celling and a single light lighting up the whole room.. There was only me and the echoing sound of my footsteps. I gazed around looking for a exit from this room which seems to be endless. I looked around curiously, tracing my hand on a pillar while searching for a flaw on the walls but it seems not even my shoes were leaving stains on the floor.


My voice returned to me seconds later as loud as I screamed.

I stood there not moving but curiously looking around, creeped out. Sound of footsteps cracked up in my ears, I looked up but stayed still, searching for the one who was the owner of the footsteps. I couldn't see anything, just the sound of heels hitting ground slowly. The sound changed direction and caused me to turn back on my heels.

And there was the mystery woman's shadow walking up to me. As the footsteps got louder, the woman's face became visible.



I ran to her as fast as I could, wanting to hold her tight, and get out of this place.

But I couldn't.

Now she was standing right in front of me, but I couldn't reach her. A wry smirk curled up on her lips.

"Oh Jaybee, my silly, blind lover." she shook her head as she started pacing around.

"Rowen what's all this?" I heard my voice speaking, shaky but deep.

She stood in front of me once more as she gently stroked my cheek with one hand. Holding other one in a tight fist, that almost hurt her.

"You know what? I love you." she said with her eyes watering. She let out a sad sigh as she gently placed her lips on mine.

"So much." she whispered, as she pulled away a little but then pressed her lips back to mine. I felt my cheeks getting wet from the tears running down her cheeks.

She rested her forehead on mine gazing into my eyes, I looked back into her eyes, dazzled.

"But I have to go." her voice fading away a little more in every word.

I shook my head, still looking into her eyes."Don't leave me."

Again a sad smile played on her lips.

"I'm sorry Johan."

She pressed her lips on mine lovingly one more time. I got lost in the kiss, loving the feeling, her luscious lips pressed against my own. Still feeling her tears roll down her cheeks, I just ignored them, I wanted her to feel happy, loved. I tried to show my love for her is infinite.

But besides that I felt a sharp pain interrupted our kiss I was struggling but she refused to pull away.I felt my breath being sucked away by those mellow lips of her. I felt the warm and sticky liquid running down my sleeves and dripping from my hands.

She pulled away and looked at me her brows frowning, inspecting my every inch.

"I'm sorry." she murmured and turned away taking a last look at me.

I looked down to myself,my clothes covered in crimson red that was running from my throat. I couldn't speak, or move, as I felt my knees weaken and let me fall down into the pool of blood.

Now the white room was painted with my blood.

I felt numb, but didn't blackout either. I was dead I knew that, but I kept watching my love walk away with the little razor she was holding with her fragile hand, covered in blood. Her silent sobs faded away as I bleed my life out on the white floor.

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