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My holiday in Jönköping is almost over. Well, I spent a lot of time with Allison. She got her own house here, which is even smaller than my room. There is only one room to use as bedroom/kitchen/living room and one bathroom. That is it, but it seemed cool too me. 

Imagine, you are living away from your parents, alone, that's what they call life.

As I was daydreaming how great my life would be if I had my own place, my phone vibrated, I got a text from Cody. I opened my flip-phone to read his text.

-Cody x

Meh, its okay. Its so dark tho. I'm having good time with Ali. 

I replied back.

As I threw the phone back on the floormat I remembered I promised him to get something, Shitshitshitshit!

I've totally forgot about that. I got up and get changed after a quick shower.

"MOM CAN I GO TO THE MALL TO GET CODY A PRESENT?" I screamed from the bathroom while drying my hair.


"Its only 150m away! please?"

"I guess it's okay.." she said a little concerned.

"Thank you sososo much, you are the best mommy ever!" I said as I ran down the stairs of the apartment after kissing her cheek as a thank you.

I arrived to the mall about 10 minutes later. The thing is I have no idea what should I get him.
I took a look at a few shops that seemed cool to me, I only got one tshirt that says "Swedish Badass" on it with an amazing font and a wristband with iron shapes on it and a huge skull.

It didn't seem enough for my best friend but I don't know where else to go.

I walked around in the mall for a while then I saw two guys that looked about my age or maybe one or two years older. I got closer and asked shyly,

"Umm Excuse me, do you speak english?" I asked it kinda slow incase they didn't understand it. I know most of the people here know English very well but just incase I wanted to ask.

"What do you think? That we are stupid or something? Of course we know English!" the one with long brown hair snapped. He looked angry before I talked to them, and I guess he was taking his anger out of me for no reason.

I felt kinda upset as he said that, I was just trying to be kind but I got insulted like always. I felt my eyes watering.

I never intended to be rude to anyone, but I think thats my nature, I scare people away.

"Nevermind" I said, turning my back, I was about to walk away but I heard someone calling,

"HEY GUYS WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU FOR AGES! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BE.." a guy was screaming on top of his lungs until he and some of his friends made it to the two guys, he stopped talking when he saw me,

"Umm hi!" he said as a huge smile formed on his face.

I forced a smile too "hey."

"I-I'm Johan" he said,

He had light brown hair which was a few shades lighter than mine, perfectly cut, with piercing sky blue eyes, with his stare and smile I could feel my insides melting.

He was just perfect.

"Rowen" I said with a small smile

"Uhh, nice name! So what were you talking with Niclas and Pete?"

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