Chapter 21

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Rowen's POV

He kept staring at me with the same watering eyes from the minute before. I can't stand seeing him cry, it kills me. I barely saw him cry, he is joyful and crazy all the time but not in times like this.

I kept on caressing his cheek. "Don't cry, you'll be happy, it's better for both of us" I lied quietly. He'll be happy but I won't, not without him by my side.

We just sat there for a couple minutes gazing in each others eyes.. Those sky blue eyes... I don't know how to describe my feelings for him, I love him to death. His eyes are like a mirror reflecting my feelings for him back to me and help me to understand that how much I love him.

They were my bright skies.

He slowly reached me with a shaky hand and pulled me roughly for a kiss. I kissed him back desperately knowing that in a couple of days, I'll never be able to taste them again.

I looked into his eyes, breathless. "I'm sorry" I murmured again before locking my arms around his neck. He weakly hugged me back but said nothing. His looks were upset almost terrified. But he'll be okay, I know he'll.

Without me.


Jaybee didn't talk a word with me since I told him I was leaving. But can I blame him? He hates me for it.

But for some other reason he always kept me by his side, an arm always around my waist. But who's complaining?

Tonight is their last gig and tomorrow I'll leave. Thinking of leaving gives me chills. A brand new life, just not for me, for everyone.

I began to wash the dishes since I finished my breakfast before everyone else. Buff was bitching on my leg like always, begging for food. She is already a fatass.

"Need some help?" I felt Jonas's hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine." I gave him an easy smile.

He hugged me with one arm and started to put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"ROWEN!" I heard Jolle screaming from living room.


"GET YOUR ASS HERE!" he yelled back.

"ugh" I whined as I washed my hands.

I went to the living room Jonas following me behind.

They were all sitting except for Jaybee, he was nowhere to be seen.

"What's up with you?" I asked raising a brow.

"Sit." Niclas ordered and I did.

"Rowen, since you're leaving, we got you a little something." Pete spoke up a moment later, holding a little box.

He handed me the box to open it. I stared at him for a moment before I opened the box. There was a silver tag bracelet, with all their names written on it.

"For you to always remember us." Jonas spoke up.

"Aww, I will remember you no matter what you dorks! You are all like my brothers!" I hugged every one of them after I put the bracelet on.

"Where is Jaybee?"

"Dunno, he just rushed out after breakfast. Hey you wanna go outside? Grace will be here in 10 minutes or so we'll hangout." Pete said.

"Yeah why not, I have to place my stuff in Grace's car anyways since she will drop me to the airport tomorrow." I said walking to my bedroom.

I showered and changed into a pair of light colored ripped denim jeans and a bright yellow printed shirt that was exposing my tattoo on the back of my shoulder with my bright pink converse. I put on a fresh lip ring and did my make up. Ready to roll.

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