Chapter 17

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I felt lips brushing against my skin. I shifted a little then narrowed my eyes.

"C'mon baby it's getting really cold, we have to head back." he said kissing me. I shifted a little, burying my face in his chest.

"I'm freezing but do I have to get up?!" I whined.

"We can go for round 2 when we get home." he winked and smirked.

"you're bad." I said as I sit up.

We redressed and got into the car.

He rode back as I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

"We're home." he kissed my cheek and lead me out.

I slipped down my dress and changed into my pjs trying not to sleep.

Jaybee lied and I lied next to him cuddling with him.

It didn't take me long to drift into a deep, dreamless sleep.


Jaybee's P.O.V

I woke up at about 9 am my arms still wrapped around Rowen. I looked down at her, she looked so peaceful, happy when she was asleep. I smiled to myself she was mine, and I was hers.

I slipped away from her carefully,I don't know how but I gained a skill like that after sharing the same bed with her.

I headed to kitchen for a glass of water, trying to wipe away the huge foolish smile playing on my lips.

Pete and Jonas were sitting and eating their breakfast when I entered. "Morning." I mumbled ruffling my hair.

"Mownibg." Pete said with his mouth full.

I opened the closet and reached to the top shelf to get the glass.

"Rough night huh?" I heard Pete saying.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Nice marks." Jonas said pointing at me with his fork.

Then I realized I was shirtless. Shit.

"Cut it off." I said and blushed as I poured water in my glass.

"Jaybee got laid!" Pete sing-songed.

"Shut your hole." I said as I felt paws on my leg.

"Morning Buff." I mumbled and leaned down to pet her. She licked my hand and happily shook her tail.

I sat down with the guys and grabbed my own breakfast.

"So I assume your date went quite well last night?" Pete said and shoved me playfully.

A smirk played on my lips. "I guess so." I said and sipped my milk.

"Just cut the jokes around Rowen alright? She is really shy about it." I said as I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Heh, will do, why tho?" Pete shrugged as he took another bite.

"She is.. I mean was a virgin.." I blushed even more.

"HOLY BUBBLEGUM, really?!"

I nodded, "I mean she is 23.. 24 now actually. Wow you got her first time." he winked at me.

I groaned with annoyance and went to the bedroom before others wake up and ask me about the marks on my back.

It was a fun night though.

I reached for my shirt over a sleeping Rowen.

I grabbed it finally but I felt a cold touch on my stomach sending shivers to my spine.

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