Chapter 19

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I wanted to dedicate this chapter to ThatGirlMiki. She is really supportive and she makes me want to keep on writing this story. So Miki, thank you for sticking with me all through the story and thank you for your comments and votes. They really mean alot to me :3 I LOVE YOU ^^

(P.S. go check her stories, they are awesome!!!)


I walked down the road after my lessons ended. As the sky turned into a pink pallet I dialed Grace's number. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Rowen What's up?"

"Grace, I have to talk to you, are you available?"

"Umm... I was going to meet Pete. Can he come too?" I can sense she doesn't really want to meet me.

"I don't think it's a good idea but Grace please? It's really severe, pretty please?"

After a moment of silence she answered with a sigh "Fine! Where are you?"

"Come to the usual Starbucks, will ya?"

"Sure, I'll be there in half an hour."

"okay thank you, bye."

"Yea bye." she mumbled and hung up.

It took me about 20 minutes to the usual Starbucks we go with Grace. I sat down took my coat off and waited for her nervously.

I saw her enter the cafe about 15 minutes later.

"Oh he- Rowen are you okay?! You're shaking!" she said as she pressed her palm on my trembling shoulder.

"I'm not okay! I got something today" I gave her the letter.

After she read it she looked up to me with wide eyes.

"oh god! That's awesome! Why are you so nervous? You should be dancing! We must celebrate this! You got a chance to live like kings!" she said excitement growing in her eyes.

"Because..." because what? It is a chance of a lifetime!

"I'm nervous because I don't want to leave the guys, I don't wanna leave you and I don't want to leave Jaybee." I murmured.

"Everything is so new. I've been waiting to live this for 5 years. He has been for 7 I-I don't want to screw things up, I want him to be happy, even that means that I have to give up on my dreams..." I looked down, was I really giving up so easily?

But it was for Jaybee and hell, I would even die for him.

"Listen to me Rowen, I know you love him, but an opportunity like this doesn't fall on your head when you walk down the street. This is serious, it can change your life! Do you know how much a newbee gets in this company for a month, in Italy?!"

"5,000€ per month. This is not a joke. And besides Jaybee would be happy for you, even though he may or maynot be with you through this he would be happy to see you living your dream, if he truly loves you." Grace spoke as her eyes were burning on my skin.

"I say take it, no one is worthy to give up on your dreams, even that cutie Jaybee. You worked so hard, hell your parents worked their ass off to give you a good education! And here you are now letting your and your parents efforts go for nothing." she sighed rubbing her temple.

"talk to.. Umm I don't know your mom, dad or Allison? Huh? Anybody would think the same as I do."

"What about Jaybee then?" I felt my voice crack, can I let him go?

"can't you work it out with distance between you?" she asked.

"I don't know..." I really don't know if we can. But I don't want him to suffer, he did his waiting for 7 freaking years, I want him to be happy, even if this means he can't be with me.

I gulped and nodded slowly then got up and put on my coat.

"Yeah, I-I'll talk to... Ummm Allison, yeah... Thank you Grace." I said and exited the cafe.

I don't like company when I'm talking to Allison so I sat one of the benches that was far away from the cafe I just exited.

I dailed her number and waited for her to answer. It took a long while though.

"Agh.. What? Who are you?" her sleepy voice called from the other end of the phone. I think I might have woke her up.

"It's me Ali, Rowen."

"Rowen, are you aware of the time? It's 3am for fucks sake." she mumbled.

"I know it's late, I'm sorry... But I have to talk to you, it's important."

"Can't it wait for the next 4 hours?" she whined

"Ali please, it's really important I need you." I begged to her.

"ugh fine, spill."

"I-I got a job offer, from I.A.A. They want me to work with them as a internal architect."

"Holy shit! Isn't that the company you always nagg about? That's awesome!" she said excitement building in her, slipping her away from sleep.

"Yeah it is... And the problem is, the main building is in Italy and they want me there." I bit my lip nervously.


"So... If I take the offer that means I have to leave Jaybee." I bit my lip even harder, just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.


"But, I don't want to leave him. We just got together. I want to see him happy, but it's a life changing kind of offer. Ali, what should I do?"

"I see... Honey, I understand it's hard but you have to make a choice. I say take the job.... Because you should learn how to stand for yourself, you shouldn't need someone to take care of you. You're a strong women and I know you can handle it, and I know Jaybee can too. It's a bit cheesy to say but you should let go if you love someone."

"I don't want to.." I said tears streaming down my face.

"I understand and it's still your choice honey, but you asked my opinion and there you have it. I say take it. I'm sure Jaybee will understand you more than anybody can, because he chased his dreams and now look at him! He is a fucking rock star! I think he will support you no matter what happens."

He would right? No matter what happens..

"Okay thank you Ali, love you." I mumbled, ignoring the tears that are running down my face.

"Love you too sis, and just do what you feel okay? You must do this to be happy, not to be upset."

"Yea.. Anyway bye.. Umm and again sorry for waking you up."

"It's okay pumpkinpie, take care." then she hung up.


I talked to my parents and they were super excited, they sternly said I must take the job offer. They practically didn't gave a shit about my confusion.

I walked down the road, lost in my thoughts. Should I take the job? But what about Jaybee? Would he support me or hate me for leaving him? I don't think I can live if he hates me. I want to be with him, but this job is my dream, I would have throw away everything if I don't take the offer.


I took out my phone and dailed the number.


"This is Rowen, Mr.Brennan, I'm calling you to say that got your letter and I'd love to work with you."


BAM! What do you think about what will hppen next :)

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