Chapter 24

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I threw my luggage on the mattress as I dialed Pete's number.

"Hi Rowen!" he answered brightly, something was up, 


"What's with the cheering?"

"We, y'know got back to the States and we are now on our way to LA for our next gig. But I got an surprise on the way that's all."

"What surprise?"

"We are in New York right now, and Grace decided to pay us a visit." Grace continued her job in NY when boys were back in Sweden, I guess Pete's on the clouds now that he met her.

The sound of announcements of airport was easily heard through the phone " Anyway, this is our flight,later." he shut the phone as the lady announced their flight to LA.


My heart skipped a beat,


I released Buff's strap and jumped on the mattress, floating with joy.

I searched through my backpack and got out my laptop, quickly connecting to brianstarstour's website.

I searched through the headlines and clicked on the 'tour' section.

"Okay... Los Angeles... Front row... buy tickets..." I mumbled to myself as I get done with the process.

"Done." I sang happily.

Seeing my friends is only 4 days away from now.

No, I won't speak to them I just want to see them with my own eyes after this long. I missed them so god damn much.

I stood up unpacking some of my luggage, getting the things I need. Until the company gives me the house, I'm staying in some kind of small motel, where is the only place they accept pets along with clients.

I jumped up and down trying to control my laughter and this overwhelming joy rising in me. Everything is back on it's right track now, everything is going to be alright, I can feel it.


I walked into the concert area filled with small groups of kids, still lots of them coming in. I fixed my jumpers hat, and put on my sunglasses, trying to avoid the direct sunlight piercing away my skin. I knelt down, crossing my legs on the spot I was standing. I looked up trying to get used to the atmosphere.

Out of all those people, one specific girl had my attention on her. She kept staring right into my eyes while she talked with her friends. Her black hair tugged up messily, revealing the light blue stripes she had on her hair. Her tattoos decorating her arms beautifully, and her shorts revealing some of her tattoos on her legs.

I kept staring at her, some how she seemed familiar, friendly. She slowly started to pace towards me, the sound of her high heeled leather boots rising with every step she takes.

She looked down at me, rising a brow at me "Do I know you?" she asked confused. From this close I can see her long polished nails and her spider bites.

"I-I don't think so, though you look pretty familiar to me.."

"The name is Serena, who are you?"


She stood there for a moment working my figures. "Rowen, Rowen, Rowen... Where did I heard that name? Are you in one of those warm-up bands or something?" she asked offering me her hand.

I took it "No, sorry.. Are you?" I asked don't know what to say.

"Nah, I'm the make up artist of the tour." she said lighting up a cigarette.

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