Chapter 30 (End)

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"Ugh slow down!" Jolle whined from way back.

"Speed up!" Pete yelled back at him also chuckling.

I tightened my grip on my cane and skipped the rock in front of me.

"This is so great but so tiring." Jaybee whined, taking a sip from his bottle.

"Grace, couldn't you want to do something that involves less walking and more sleeping?" Jolle  whined again.

"I agree." Niclas joined.

"Shut up and walk." Jaybee splashed water on them then laughed.

The thing is Grace read this article about mountain hiking and wanted to give it a try, Pete couldn't say no so he invited us and said it would be time well spend together.

So here we are all sweaty and whining about our feet, trying to climb a god damn mountain.

Pete, Grace, Johan and I sat down on the rocks to wait the rest an catch our breath.

I wiped my face with a wet towel and took a sip of the Monster can Pete just opened.

"Hey! That was mine!" he whined.

"Too late." I said downing the bottle.

He smacked my arm playfully but kinda upset and opened a new can for himself.

We sat there for a couple of minutes we could see Jonas approaching but Jolle and Niclas were way back.

"Ma! Ma!" we heard the squeaky  voice yelling, followed by footsteps.

"Mama! Uncle Jonas and Aunt Serena are boring! I want Uncle Niclas!" she whined.

"Uncle Niclas is just too fucking slow to get here." Pete snickered and Grace elbowed him. I also gave him a stern look.

"We will wait for Uncle Niclas here sweetie, okay?" I said.

She nodded slowly, making the hair tie fall to the ground from her hair.

Her light reddish brown hair was pulled up into thin hair braids which were all messed up, so I gently undo them and braid them again, I tied her hair with hair tie then tied the little blue ribbons around.

I fixed her hat and put some more sunscreen.

I kissed the tip of her nose, she was looking into my eyes smiling, her freckles decorated her face and her emerald green eyes were shining bright.

She had the same emerald eyes as Lacey.

I was about to hold her but she was picked off of the ground, letting out another squeaky noise, as Jaybee  hugged her and lightly bit her cheek.

"Daddy stop!" she chuckled as he started to lightly tickle her.

A bright smile spread across his face as he saw her laughing, he loudly kissed her cheek and bent towards me and planted a butterfly kiss on my lips we both smiled.

Caroline started to yell as Niclas came close, Niclas has this thing with her, she loves him so much. Jaybee let go of her and she started to run towards Niclas.

"Hey Anne." he called her hugging her and lifting her up. Only Niclas called her Anne we mostly called her Caroline or both.

Johan offered me a hand and I took it, standing up, we held hands together as we continued to walk, silly inside jokes were flying around, Caroline's laughter was filling the air.

This was how I want things to always be.

At the end I was finally happy.


So this is the last chapter! Thank you all for reading and all the feedback you sent me! Thank you for all the support and lovely comments.

I've made some really close friends thanks to this fanfic and I'd like to dedicate this last chapter to SerenaTP, I love her sooo much. :3

I have a exam for getting into college in my country, it's like SATs but it's kind of harder according to the education system, that was why I rarely updated also I'm a senior IB student so yeah... 

Anyways, I will try to update my other story "Bottled Up Love" as often as I can, I'd really appreciate if you take a peek on that too ;) here's the link

Also thank you for the lovely support messages about my MCR's breakup note, and helping the hashtag #occupygezi when we needed the most, thank you so so so much. I love you all.

That's it, again thanks for everything, hope to meet you all on another story.


Naz <3 

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