Chapter 26

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Pete's POV

I woke up to someone banging to the front door.

I dragged myself out of the bed, my head spun with the sudden movement.

I sure drunk a lot of that Jack.

When I woke up I noticed Rowen wasn't there, this must be her, 

But what is she doing out this early? I guess I'm about to find out.

I walked towards the door, grabbing the door knob, as I rubbed my eyes to clear my sleepy vision.

When I opened the door and picked up my head from the ground, I saw Jonas standing in the doorway, and hell, I could tell he was pissed.

"Finally!" he let out a frustrated sigh and let himself in pushing me aside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked messing with my hair.

He noticed the bottle of Jack on the end table.

"Huh, there we go!" he said pointing at the almost empty bottle.

"I've been knocking on that god damn door for about half an hour, I can see why you didn't answer." he said pissed.

"I didn't answer because people sleep in morning you know. Anywhore, how did you find us and why are you here this early, man I need my beauty sleep." I said shrugging.

"You texted me your location last night incase something happens, remember? I'm here to check on you, I dropped Serena to her apartment about an hour ago." he explained.

"Oh! You and Serena! I guess you two had some.... hanky panky last night. Now I get it! Poor Serena! Y'know they say drummers hit harder, you go Jonas!" I said winking at him.

He let out another sigh with a small blush rising on his cheeks" None of your god damn business what we did. Now tell me where Rowen is, I'm worried about her, I can tell she felt horrible. I wish I was here earlier but she had you by her side."

"I don't know where is she, we slept together but when I woke up, poff! She was gone, I thought you were Rowen.. No I mean, the one who was knocking is Rowen but I don't know where is she." I said honestly.

"Huh her phone is here." he pointed at the end table.

I looked around the tiny room and everything was how it supposed to be.

I walked towards Buff who was lying in front of the bathroom door, and pet her head as Jonas searched through Rowen's phone to see if she got any text messages or calls to show where she went.

As Buff realized my affection she started to scratch on the bathroom door desperately.

I watched her curiously, and knocked on the door.

"Rowen?" I asked and hoped to get an answer.

But there was no answer.

I tried the door knob and noticed the door was locked.

I knocked furiously to the door.

Still no answer.

I backed away and kicked the door with all my strength but it didn't open.

I kicked the door again, terrified from the thought of something had happened to her.

With my third kick, the door swung open and I hurried inside.

The sight I faced left me breathless.

Rowen was lying in the bath tub filled with water, pardon me, blood, her head lying on the side of the bath tub.

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