Chapter 23

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"What did you say sunshine? I think I heard you wrong." Mr. Angelou said in pure shock.

"I think you heard me right sir, I quit." even a walrus can figure out the bitter crack in my voice.

"Why so? You're doing great." he asked with his soft caring voice.

I hesitated before speaking up to him, "It has nothing to do with you, sir or the company. I love it here, I really do but I can't seem to work properly, at my best."

"I'm sure you can do it, c'mon don't give up so quickly."

"I-It doesn't seem like I can do anything right. I let down my first clients, I hate seeing them like that, they love each other and the only thing they look for is a nice house to live in but I can't give them that. I can't do anything right." I said now my tears threatening my eyes.

He leaned against me with his hand pressing on my shoulder "Hey, hey you listen to me sunshine. I believe in you, so you can't do this couples work? Screw them. I'll give it to somebody else! I saw your works they were marvelous! Let me be honest with you, the reason I support you this much is because you are true to yourself, you are you, you don't fake yourself for me to like you. So if you think I'll let a girl like you go that easily, then let me say you this, you're crazy! And I can tell if somebody else was here sitting in your spot and saying me that he wants to quit, I would just show him the door. But not for you sunshine. Now tell me what's the problem, I'm sure we can figure."

"I-I can't find the inspiration to start. I know the architecture is not that much of imagination or inspiration search but I couldn't love my work if I don't have something... someone to inspire me. I hate when I end up with a meaningless script, I want it to speak to me, this couple Willow and Matt reminds me of somebody. So I don't want to let them down. I want them to have the best I can give them, they deserve it." I spoke as memories of my friends hit me, they were my inspiration, all of them. And Johan... Oh how much I miss him.

"We're in Italy honey, look around you I'm sure you can find something as your inspiration, Isn't just a glance on this city enough?" he asked dragging me towards the window and let me see the dazzling view from the huge glass.

"It's not that kind of inspiration, sir. I-I used to have friends back in New York, here I got no one but my bulldog."

"Hey don't I count as one?" he faked like he was offended.

I let out a small laugh "I had a boyfriend there.. Johan." I looked down on my feet. "We got together after a long time period and now I left him to come here, follow my dreams, but without him I can't seem to find any inspiration or love, he was my everything and I told him to forget about me to come here. Now I screw things up here, I let everybody down." a few tears rolled down on my face.

"Why didn't he come here with you?"

"I didn't let him to, he is in a band and without him the band wouldn't work."

"I see.." he took a deep breath and left me standing alone in front of the large glass.

"First of all, I decline your request. You'll keep on working so go to your desk and get onto work, I have to make a few calls." he said not facing me but reaching for his phone.

I didn't question him, I just walked down the glass stairs with a slow pace and a death stare on my face.

I sat down on my desk and got my scripts in front of me, I closed my eyes for a second inhaling and exhaling slowly. Then I returned my attention on the papers with my same stare. And suddenly I let my hand flow with the pencil. I draw, created.

Everything beside my pencil and the paper was a blur. I don't know how it happened all of a sudden but all I know is when I dropped my pencil, I was done.

I gazed at my watch then the room. Everybody was out for lunch. It's been about 2 hours. I saw a chubby male figure at the entrance of the office.

Lois walked closer to me and said that Mr. Angelou wants to see me.

Curiously, I walked up the stairs wondering what it could be.

I knocked on his door and he let me in, ordering me to take a seat.

"So, about our little chat earlier today..." he began to say and looked down on his folded hands.

"You're fired."

As the words left his lips, my heart stopped. Why can't I be just happy!?

"What, I'm sorry sir, I'm so sorry, I finished the work you gave me please please don't fire me, I-" I panicked I don't have anywhere to go or anything to do in Italy.

"I'm just kidding Rowen, calm down." he slightly laughed.

Yeah haha, bloody funny.

"But it isn't really different from getting fired, you have to leave here..." he took a deep breath to continue, while my heart was racing. "I-I talked to the coordinator of I.I.A of LA. I wanted your transfer to there. As much as I hate to lose someone like you here, I want you to success in your carrier. So you better go to LA and get that inspiration of yours!.. Umm Johan right? You go find him and continue doing your magnificent work. With that you will be happy right? And you said you finished your work? How?" he raised a brow.

I opened my mouth to answer but words didn't come out. I was going to see Jaybee.

He let out a small laugh "Rowen?"

I snapped out off my mind to answer him, "Umm.. I-I it just came on my mind and I let it flow on the paper. I guess I just needed someone to talk." I felt a small smile playing on my lips "Thank you, sir."

"Look I told you so, but you're going anyway. As I understand that boy makes you really happy, you deserve to be happy. So go and get him tiger!" he laughed and continued. "But I must say you will be working a lot more harder there, because you won't be a newbie there. The salary is the same, oh and!" he searched through his table and gave me a piece of paper. "There is your new address and my phone number sunshine. If you agree, the company will give you a house of your own from its buildings. Also  there is Brimall Handning's cell phone, you can call her about your needs and me anytime you want." he stood up and walked up to me.

"It's your time to go sunshine, be happy. Make me proud." he said and patted on my shoulder as he lead me out.

I got back to my desk and started gathering my stuff in an empty bag, while I'm at it I dialed Willow's number to told her I was done and hearing her excited voice exploding in my ears was fantastic.

A warm smile made it's way up to my face  as I throw my last belongings into the box.

Through this year I finally did something right.


Hi, Hey,Hello!

I'm done with my exams so YAY!!! *happy dance* 

So I have a favor to ask you guys...


As some of you may know, I live in Turkey and through this past week, Turkey has gone through a lot.

The thing is the prime minister wants to cut down the only green park left in Istanbul, Gezi Parkı and build a mall in there. Most of the citizens are against this idea and there were many strikes during this past week to stop him from cutting down the park.The police has been violently attacking to protesters with high amount of chemical and tear gases. Many citizens got injured during the police's attacks, some died and some lost an leg or an eye. But the fucking prime minister won't take a step back.  The situation is really crutial and that's why I need your help.

We need to draw attention on this very specific subject worldwide to stop it. All I ask is if you have a twitter account just use the hashtags #direngeziparkı #occupygezi or you can share a little information on any other social network to create awareness on this. 

Thank you all very much, we need all the help we can get to stop the prime minister from cutting down the park.

xoxo I love you 


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