Chapter 4

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We stopped playing Truth or Dare, after a couple of dares. On the last one Niclas dared to Pete to lick my cheek! 

Anyway after all that and some sorry ass jokes we decided to split up, because it was almost 8 pm and 8 pm here  was like midnight in London.

"Which way are you going?" Johan asked me.

"My cousins house is really close, I'm going to walk there." said pointing Ali's house.

"Oh really? I'm going that way too, mind if I join you?"

"Not at all." I said smiling, I said goodbye to guys and hugged them.

Then Jolle yelled "Yo Jay, arent you coming with us?"

"Nah I'm gonna walk home with Rowen, see you guys!"

"But your house is this way" he pointed the opposite direction we were going.

But Johan didnt care, he just shrugged and started to walk with me. Oh god he is so cute!

We walked some distance together and after an awkward silence he asked,

"So how long are you planing to stay?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow noon."


"Did you come here for vacation?"

"Kinda, to see my cousin, actually my big sister." I said smiling, even thinking of her made me smile.

"What?" he was confused.

"My big sister hung herself 4 years ago, I found her in her bedroom, her face was deep purple, her eyes were staring at me.I just collapsed on floor cried and cried out loud. I was just 12 what could I do?" I said, I was not really comfortable talking this out, and normally I wouldn't, it just felt like I could trust him,  a few tears rolled down my cheek.

"After that, my cousin took care of me she became my big sister. I shared my problems my memories with her and everything, i didnt see her for the last 2 years, she is here to become a lawyer."

I smiled to myself. "Thats why i called her my big sister.." i said looking at him.

He looked terrified and sad. He hugged me so tight, and whispered "I'm so so sorry, I didnt mean to upset you."

We just stayed there hugging each other for 2 or 3 minutes, then he let go off me even if I wanted to hug him a little bit longer.

He wiped my tears with his thumbs, "Okay what about we talk about happier things... Unicorn's maybe?" 

I chuckled as he said that.

"Who is your favourite band?" I asked

"It's a tie between Blink 182 and The Used, yours?"

"My Chemical Romance"

"ahh I know them they are great!" as we talked we arrived to the enterance of my cousins flat.

"I dont want to go up there." I said, I don't want to leave him.

"Don't go then." he sat on the stair way and patted the empty spot next to him, I sat down too.

"Will you ever come back here?"

"I don't know, I hope so, but I had a great time with you today Johan.. and with the others " I   panicked.

"Call me Jaybee, It's kinda my initials." he shurugged and wrote "JB" with his finger on air.

"And if you ever come back here again let me know" he said grabbing a sharpie from his leather jackets pocket and then grabbed my arm.

Before I could pull my arm off of his hands he pulled up my hoodies sleeve.

And then saw my cuts.

He looked at me with sad eyes "Why?"

"None of your bussiness!" I snapped, pulling my arm off and fixing the hoddie's sleeve.

"Yes it is. I wanna know why did you do this to yourself?!" he asked, little bit of anger rising in his voice.

"We just met what... 3 hours ago?! You cant tell me what to do, fuck this I'm going home!" I said standing up ,running to the front door with tears.

"ROWEN WAIT UP!" I didn't but he grabbed my arm making me face him.


"Because I care about you... well lets say you made a quite good impression on me. I dont want you out of my life, yeah maybe there is distance between us so what? We can still talk!"

I stared at him for a moment he was right and I could understand he really meant what he just said. But anger got the best of me, I just wanted to go upstairs leave him alone in the dark. But I couldn't.

"Do you want to tell me why, now?" he said with a caring voice stroking my cheek.

I just stayed still trying to not face him "I got bullied at school... A lot"

"I wish I was there to protect you"

"yeah everybody say that. But they are never there for me when I need." I said with a sad sigh.

"Please let me help you." he begged as he took my hand in his.

After a few minutes of silence, I gave up because I understood that he wont let me go if we don't talk about it. 

We sat back down I told him everything about me. Cody, Miranda my school... Talking about my problems really made me feel better. I dont know why but I told him everything I feel, also the things I didnt even tell Cody, I told him how I started doing this to myself, how I struggled trying to stop but I couldn't..

I felt like I can trust him.

He listened to me with pure attention, holding me in his arms tightly in case I gave another fit of sobs. Until we realized what time it was, I spilled everything to him.

"wow 10 pm, my mom must be deadly worried, I should go!" I said as I stand up.


He took his sharpie and wrote his phone number gentally on my arm. Then he touched one of my deepest scars.

"Please dont do this to your beautiful self again. I'll be there when ever you need me just call me text me anytime!" he said smiling, I just nodded with my blank expression, but I felt happiness burning inside me want me to leap.

Someone cared.

Then he grabbed my face, dragging me out of my wonderland and pecked on my lips, felt his warm lips against my cold ones for one more time. I tasted him. Then he broke the kiss.

"Bye" he said with the wide smile playing on his lips.


He turned back, started to walk away as I stood there watching him go and touched my lips remembering our kiss...

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