Chapter 28

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I opened my eyes to the bright sky where the sun shone. I lift myself up and popped on my elbows to gaze around. Where am I ?

I tilted my head right to see a huge painted wall with numberless graffitis that seems to be going forever, I couldn't see the end of it.

On my left side I can't say I could see anything because of the blinding sunshine.

What is this place? And what am I wearing? A plain jean shorts and a large colorful sweatshirt? I shrugged, oh well.

I slowly stood up, fixing my outfit.

I turned around and see the biggest tree I've ever seen, a willow tree. It was glorious, it was bending its green leafs towards the graffiti wall, leaving a large part under it in its shadow.

I realized that I was standing on an old wood railway, from the ivy that has formed near it I could understand that it wasn't in use any longer.

There was no one around but me. I walked towards the graffiti wall examining the art. First my eye didn't caught it but when I looked at it carefully I saw the graffiti of all the things that mattered to me, Cody, Lacey, my family even My Chemical Romance, painted beautifully. I felt a smirk stretching through my face.

I kept examining the wall, tracing my fingers along as I walked towards the shadow of the willow tree.

There were things written on the blank sides of the graffiti, I looked closer trying to read the tiny words.

"I'll be the moon when the last sun is setting..." I read it out loud, as the lyrics hit me. But I didn't stop I kept examining, there was a bloody razor blade next to a hanging rope with a tie. Next to it there sharp looking familiar emerald green eyes was placed, piercing through my soul. A little doodle of a smile I could never forget was sketched down.

Johan's smile.

I smiled to myself, I've missed him.

I remembered the first time those lips met mine, my first kiss. A stupid dare moment, turning into something I would never forget. My first love.


I heard a familiar but forgotten voice calling. With the moment I turned my head to the direction the voice was calling my name I met her unique emerald green eyes.

"Lacey?!" I heard myself speak up, my jaw hanging wide and with tears threatening my eyes.

"It's me Rowen." she said with a warm smile on her lips as she walked towards me.

I ran to her not thinking a single damn thing, I just wanted to hug her and be with her forever. She waited for me under the shadow of the willow tree, her arms wide open.

I jumped into her arms hugging her with all my will. I'll never leave her again.

"I missed you, Rowen" she said caressing my hair.

"I missed you more Lacey, I missed you so freaking much." I hugged her tighter.

"Rowen I can't breathe!" she giggled as she gently pushed my body back.

I looked at her with admiration. She wasn't her 16 year old self, no, she looked like a fully grown woman. Her large blonde curls falling on her face and the sunshine bathing her pale skin, she looked absolutely, beautiful.

Her white dress was flowing with the weak wind, her emerald eyes piercing my own.

"Sorry." apologized with a half smile as I wiped my tears away.

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