Chapter 25

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I collapsed on the hard ground with his words. My sunglasses hit the ground with a loud crack.

I heard some gasps and saw that some people stepped away from me when I pick my head up off the ground.

"R-Rowen?" Jaybee's voice cracked through his mic.

I met his eyes with a sad smile as my tears streamed down my cheeks.

I saw Pete with the corner of my eye, he got rid of his guitar's strap and ran towards me. He jumped down from the stage and a second later, I felt his tight grip on my shoulders, forcing me to stand on my feet.

I weakly hugged him with an arm as he wrapped his arm around my waist, and directing me out of the concert hall. I told him where I stay, still in shock. Jaybee's screams faded away as we walked out off the hall and took a cab.

Pete hugged me tight caressing my hair, trying to calm me down. I tried to calm down, I really tried. But it didn't work, only my crying got louder and I felt like I can't stop.

Pete dragged me into my hotel room as I gave him the keys. He settled me down on the bed giving me a bottle of water from the mini fridge.

I took a sip from the water before letting myself take a deep shaky breath.

"I want you to tell me everything Rowen." he said with a soft voice.

"I-I couldn't stand in Italy. I seek for inspiration, but away from you guys, I just couldn't find it no matter how much I tried." I told him trying to calm down.

"I wanted to quit, so that we could just return to our old lives. Not with Jaybee but with you guys. I missed you. But my boss didn't let me quit so he sent me here to work. I just wanted to see Johan, to hear his voice. That's why I came to your concert. I wasn't going to talk to him, I didn't want him to see me, I wanted him to move on, forget about me, I just wanted to see that he was okay, happy. I don't know why I'm crying, I should be happy for him." a hysterical laugh left my lips as tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

Pete wiped my tears with both his thumbs and hugged me again.

"Pete, why am I crying? I wanted this to happen, so why am I crying?" I asked desperately.

"It's only your way to express yourself. You love him, and I know he still loves you, I know he does. He just moved on like you wanted him to. Don't blame him for what happened. Love is a fucked up thing Rowen."

I looked up from his shoulder to his eyes, "I'M NOT BLAMING HIM, I BLAME MYSELF!" I snapped at him. "It was all my fault, I shouldn't have left." I spoke as a sigh escaped from my lips and I started banging my head on his shoulder.

"I'd kill for a bottle of Jack right now." I sighed as I buried my head in his shoulder.

"Want me to get some for you?" he offered as I slowly nodded.

He stood up grabbing the keys. "I'll be back in a little, don't do anything stupid." he said kissing my forehead, "I love you"

And with that he left. I curled up in bed trying to progress what happened, as I cried myself to sleep.


I woke up a few hours later with Pete's burping. He took another swing of the half finished Jack.

He offered me the bottle his mouth full.

I took a swing from the bottle, the liquid burned down my throat as I hoped it'd help me forget.

Pete burped again, "You're disgusting." I said, "But I love you." I said kissing his cheek.

About the time I finished drinking, Pete whined "I'm sleepy"  

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