Chapter 20

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"Ah I'm glad to hear that. We really need young minds like you, Ms Blackburn. So if you're sure, I'll manage your new apartment and book your plane tickets, does 10 day period is okay with you?"

"Yes, delightful." I responded bitterly.

"I'll contact you when everything is done, until then take care. " he said then hung up.

So what will I do next?

I got several things... So here we go.

To Do list:

-Go home and pack all my stuff,

-Talk to my landlord and transform the house from me to Cody. (since they'll need somewhere to stay after the show)

-Talk to guys about the offer

-Talk to Jaybee


Yeah... Leave..

I walked down the street with quick paces until I made it home. When I unlocked the door I realized that everybody was out but Mason.

"Hi Rowen! How was your day?" he asked brightly.

"Life changing" I murmured. "So where is everyone?"

"At the studio, I didn"t go though, I don't want to leave Buff all alone by herself." he said and petted her head.

I rushed inside and took out all my suitcases from the top of my closet. And began to carefully place my clothes in. It dıdn't took me so long since I just throw out all the clothes I don't wear anymore like a week ago. And there was like only 5 pair of pants, some shorts and dresses but hell load of t-shirts and shirts. I put all my clothes in the gigantic suitcase then I placed my personal things to in the same one,my books, works and shoes to another one. When I was done it took me about 4 hours straight to get it done. My bedroom was all empty except for Jaybee's clothes in the closet, some stuff I daily use on the end table. I still have the other rooms though.

I rushed inside taking a look at the living room and kitchen, looking for more stuff to pack, I collected things here and there and put them all to a large backpack. I walked down to the guests room. I took a look at the walls covered with drawings and posters.

"Okay Rowen, take it easy, just pick your favorites, there is no use to get emotional." I spoke to myself, tearing my signed MCR poster from the wall. I got most of my drawings and only my favorite posters.

I put them into the suitcase that had my works in. At last I zipped my bass in it's case and put my photo-album in my backpack. Okay I think I'm all done. I'll add the things I forgot later.

-Pack all my stuff, check.

I walked in the tiny living room, but couldn't make it to the sofa and I threw myself on the floor.

"Rowen are you alright?!" I heard Mason's voice filled with concern.

"Ahh, I don't even know anymore Mason." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" he lifted a brow at me.

"I got my dream job offer, I accepted it and now I'm moving to Italy, no biggie, so you and Cody need a place to stay after the show right?!" I said with an incredible speed.

"Oh, Congurats! And yeah we do, actually I found a place I'm not sure b-"

"Take here, it's really cheap and my landlord is the sweetest cat lady in cat lady history. I'll talk to her."

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