Behind Closed Doors

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Cam’s POV

            “You leaving,” I ask.

            “Yeah, I better get home,” Kian says.

            “Well, okay,” I say with a sad face. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

            “See ya,” Kian says and walk out the door.

            “Well, Kian seemed nice,” Julia says.

            “Yeah, you should bring him over more often,” Jack says.

            “Jack. Julia. Could you two please go down to the store that's down the block and get these things,” Earl says and hands Jack a list of something.

            “Sure, dad,” Julia says. Jack and Julia then exit the apartment.

            “Cam, can I talk to you in the back room of the apartment,” Earl asks with a smile.

            “Okay, dad,” I say and walk to the back room.

            I walk to the back room and open it up. I walk inside to see an empty room. I don’t know why my dad always has me come in here. I walk over to a window and stare outside. I hate that my dad said that to Kian. That was uncalled for. I hear the door to the room open and through the reflection on the window, I see Earl walk in with something behind his back. I look back at my reflection and stare at myself. I hear Earl come closer to me and as he grabs my shoulder, everything goes dark.

            The next thing I knew I was in pitch darkness. I tried to find a light, but couldn’t find anything. It felt like I was never going to find an end to this journey for light. Suddenly, I start hearing people screaming.

            “QUIT HURTING HIM,” someone says. “YOU’RE A MONSTER!”


            “AAAAHHHH,” the first person says. “Stop hurting him. I will not let you hurt him.”

            “Would you get out of here,” the second person yells. “No one wants you here.”

            “I may not be wanted, but that’s not going to stop me,” the first person says. “Do you want with me, but I refuse to let you harm him.”

            “Get out of the way,” the second person says. “He deserves to feel the pain.”

            “NO,” the first person yells.

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