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Connor's POV

            "Ricky," I say, rising from the couch.

            "No," Ricky shouts. Ricky races out of my apartment with haste in his step. I look down to see his phone was left on the ground. I pick it up and hear someone on the other line. I put the phone to my ear and answer it.

            "Hello," I say with caution.

            "Hello, where'd Ricky go," the person on the other end asked.

            "He just ran out of my apartment," I say. "Is something wrong?"

            "Well, we have a mister Kian Lawley here at our hospital," the person says. "He's been badly beaten and semi-conscious. He's been mumbling someone named Ricky. Who I assume was who I was previously talking too."

            "Oh my god," I say, covering my mouth. "Is he going to be okay?"

            "At the moment, we think he'll be fine," the person says. "But, we need someone down here, right away."

            "Okay, Ricky and I will be there as soon as possible," I say and hang up the phone.

            I grab my keys and run out my apartment. I lock my apartment door and hurry to find Ricky. I race outside to see Ricky pacing back and forth on the sidewalk; screaming and waving to try and signal a taxi. "HEY! STOP! PLEASE STOP," Ricky shouts with tears in his eyes.

            "Ricky," I say calmly. "Come on. I'll drive you to the hospital."

            "Th-Thank you," Ricky says and we make our way to my car. We get in my car and I hear Ricky whisper, "Pl-Please be okay. Please."

            I pull out of the parking garage and speed off to the hospital. The whole car ride, Ricky stared out the window. He never spoke. He never moved. Just sat there silent and motionless. It was like he turned into a wax mannequin. "Ricky, here's your phone," I say and hand him his phone.

            "Thanks," Ricky says and takes his phone.

            "They say Kian is going to be fine," I say. "So, take a breath and calm down. He's going to be fine."

            Ricky looks towards the road and takes a deep breath. "Thank you. I'm sorry for freaking. It's just...Kian's more than just a best friend, He's like my brother. His parents were like my second parents. I already lost them. I don't want to lose my brother."

            "I understand," I say. "Everything's going to be fine."

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