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Joey’s POV

            When Cat and I got back from Connor and Ricky’s place, Cat instantly went to her bedroom and passed out. I however pulled out my cell phone and called Connor. The phone rang for a few seconds followed by him finally answering. “Hello,” Connor says.

            “Hey, it’s me,” I tell him.

            “Who is me, have we met before,” Connor says.

            “Yeah, we met back in middle school many years ago,” I tell him, playing along.

            “Haha,” Connor laughs. “Hey babe, what’s up?”

            “Just sitting here,” I tell him. “What about you?”

            “Oh, Ricky and I are just setting up my TV,” Connor tells me.

            “How’s that going,” I ask.

            “Pretty good,” he tells me. “We’re about done. How’s Cat doing?”

            “Good,” I tell him. “So….”

            Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. “Hold on,” I tell him.

            I walk over to the door and unlock it. I then open it to find Shane. “Shane,” I say completely surprised. What is he doing here? I put the phone back to my ear and say, “Let me call you back.” I then hang up the phone and place the phone on the table beside me. “What’re you doing here?”

            “I was just in the neighborhood and I thought I might stop by and see how you’re doing,” Shane tells me.

            “Ah, well, uh, do you want to come inside,” I ask skeptically.

            “Sure,” he says happily.

            We walk inside and sit down on the couch. “So what are you really doing here,” I ask.

            “Okay, fine,” he says. “I want to tell you that I’m getting help for my autophobia and borderline personality disorder. I have been taking medication and going to a therapist.”

            “That’s great Shane,” I tell him. “So, you came here just to tell me that?”

            “Well,” Shane says. He grabs my hand and says, “I also came here to see if we could get back together. I’ve really missed you.”

            “Shane, I don’t know how to say this, but I’ve moved on,” I tell him sympathetically. slipping my hand out of his grip. “I have a new boyfriend. I’m sorry, but you need to move on.”

            “Oh well,” Shane says with a sad face. “So who are you dating?”

            “This new guy who recently moved to LA,” I tell him. “His name is Connor.”

            “Oh, cool,” he says. “Well, I-I-I’m happy for you.”

            “No you’re not,” I tell him. “I’ve known you long enough to know when you are lying.”

            “Yeah, I’m not,” he says. Tears welled up in his eyes and start pouring out down his cheeks. Suddenly, he starts hugging me as he cries out in sadness. He lets go of me, whipes the tears away and says, “Well, I better go. I’ll see you later.”

            “Okay,” I say. “Let me walk you out.”

            I walk Shane down to his car and watch him off.

Shane’s POV

            So, Joey has a boyfriend. Joey may think he knows me so well that he can tell when I’m lying, but he is dead wrong. Except for wanting to be back together, I lied the whole entire time I was in there. Medication and therapy sessions, HA! Yeah right! Like I would ever step foot in a place like that. Does he really think he can get over me like that? He will be mine and I will do whatever it takes to make him mine. And who is this Connor guy? Who does he think he is trying to steal my man away from me? Well he has another thing coming!

            The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. My grip on the steering wheel tightened with each twinge of anger. My vision turned to red tunnel vision. Glancing down at my wrists, I saw the cuts that I did to show my love to him. I would bleed out if I knew you was there to save me, to be my saving angel. You were always there for me, watching over me, protecting me……loving me. I never betrayed you. I was faithful to you. I was always by your side, both the good and the bad times. You did the same for me. When I fell down, you picked me back up. When I cried, you were the first there to comfort me with a tissue and everything. I tried everything I could possibly do to keep you with me. It worked for a while, but after so long, you-you just left me. I woke up one morning and found you just gone. The only thing you left behind was a letter telling me how sorry you were. Reading that letter tore me up inside. My emotions were all over the place. I was angry, sad, and confused. I was so angry, I tore the paper up, but then I realized that was the only thing I had left of yours. I loved you. I LOVED YOU SO MUCH!

            I pull the car over and slam on the brakes. Tears streamed down my face I was in so much anger. I laid my head on the steering wheel, my hands still in a death grip. “WHY?! WHY DON’T YOU LOVE ME,” I scream out banging my hands on the steering wheel. “WHAT DID I DO? WHAT DID I DO?” I raise my head from the steering wheel, my eyes red and puffy from crying. I felt my body shaking in anger, my face becoming blood red. I-I can’t believe after all we’ve been through, he would just throw it away for some…some…SLUT! HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THAT!!! You will be mine, Joey Graceffa and no one, NO ONE will stand in my way.

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