11.3K!!! Reason why I write. Update

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I know I don't say this very often, but thank you to all who have been reading, voting, and commenting on my story. I never thought I would even reach 1K reads, let alone over 11K. I usually write horror or action stories, but I wanted to try my hand at something different and that is how this story came to be.

Also, writing was my way of releasing all the built up stress and emotions. I used to have days where I generally go through these periods of depression due to bullying (btw this has stopped, it's in the past now). This caused me to look down on myself constantly and I used to consider doing many things to myself, but writing is what keeps me from doing it. Writing has always been there for me. If I didn't do this, I don't think I would be here right now. Through writing, I've gotten new friends who like me for me, who don't hate or judge.

Also, to those who may be going through something similar to what I did. Whether it is bullying, depression, family issues, or something else. Always know that there is different ways of releasing your emotions that does not cause bodily harm to yourself and/or to others. Mine was through writing. Yours does not have to be the same. It could be singing, dancing, drawing or something else. Also, always know that no matter what, there will be someone who is willing to listen to you. It could be a parent, a teacher, a friend, or someone else you trust. You are not alone, even when you think are, you're not.

Always remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

To all my readers and nonreaders, I love you all.

Now, on to my update. As many have noticed, I have been only posting on Fridays or Saturdays. This is because I'm back at college and only have time to write one chapter a day. Don't worry, this story will continue and won't be ending anytime soon.

Lastly, thank you to everyone and remember, you are loved! :)

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