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"Ahh, I can't believe that school is already over! No homework, no annoying teachers, we're finally free!" , Jisung said with a big smile on his face. "Yeah, me too, mate. Sadly it's only for the summer, we have one more year to go! But I'm so excited about our trip together !" , Ji's best friend Felix responded. "It's gonna be the best summer ever!", Jisung said happily jumping around while they were walking home from their last day of school.

Jisung was a student who lived in Korea with his parents. This year he was old enough to go visit his grandma in Malaysia. Ji's parents always had to work, so they could never visit her together, that's why she always visited them in Korea. Jisung was really excited, because he could go see his grandma in Malaysia and he could even go there with his best friend.

The next day Jisung woke up with the best feeling. The sun was shining and he just new, that this summer is going to be great! He stood up from his bed and went to the kitchen to grab something for breakfast before he had to take off for his flight. Then he put his pyjama in his suitcase, took his backpack, said goodbye to his parents and went next door to pick up Felix who was already waiting for him. They smiled at each other excited, not caring that it was 5 o'clock in the morning and waited for their Taxi to come. "Hey ji, how did you sleep?" "Hey lixie, alright but I almost couldn't fall asleep yesterday, cause I was so excited! And youu?", "Yeah, same here.", Felix said and made a sign to Jisung that the Taxi has already arrived. Everything went by plan. They arrived at the airport and took their plane. Of course the plane was 30 minutes late but the two best friends didn't really care. They just couldn't wait for their summer to start.

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