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"Kghm. Minho, what is your blood type, if I may ask?"

"Ehh, mine is 0.", he answered slightly confused with a nervous smile.

"Mhm, okay thanks.", she smiled not completely satisfied.


"Grandma, what are you doing?", Jisung asked.

"Just getting to know your friend.. or should I say-"

"Stop! Granny, we're just friends, jeez!", Ji shouted annoyed.
"Only because Lix is bi doesn't mean that I am too."

"Aren't you?", Minho asked sarcastically.

"No! I'm fully straight!", Ji assured.

"Alright!", Minho laughed and raised his hands.

"Well, I like you Minho. You seem cool!", the grandma confessed.
"Where are you from?"

"I'm from here. I never left this Island.", he sighed.

"Do you have plans to leave?", the grandma asked.

"Yes, he's learning Korean now and wants to move there after school.", Felix answered instead of him.

"Oh, that's nice!", she smiled.
"Well, eat up! I'll leave you alone now. I want to watch my kdrama.", the grandmother stood up and left the kitchen.

"Your grandma is really cool!", Minho smiled.

"Right? She even has tiktok!", Felix praised.
"Where is Hyunjin actually?"

"He has to work. I have to go to work too in..20 MINUTES?! Shoot!", Minho looked at his watch.
"Well, it was really nice, say thank you to your grandma! I have to go now."

"Thanks to you too for spending the night. Have fun!", Jisung hugged Minho goodbye.

"Yeah, sure, I'll have it!", Minho cheered sarcastically.

When Minho left, Jisung and Felix went to their room and laid on Jisungs bed.

"Okay, now tell me seriously, what is up between you and Minho?", Felix asked.

"Lixie, there is nothing!", Jisung answered.

"Oh come on, he totally flirted with you!"

"We do that for fun! You don't get that cause you always take everything seriously."

"Then what is this?", Felix took out his phone and showed him a photo of him and Minho cuddling while sleeping.

"Where'd you get that?!", Jisung took Felixes phone to look at the picture closely.

"Hyunjin send it to me."

"He was in Minhos room and took pictures of us while we were sleeping?! Wtf!"

"That doesn't matter right now but what matters is that you don't cuddle with someone you just spend ONE day with alone."

"You do, when you watched a horror movie and you were scared af.", Jisung tried to talk out of the situation.

"Mhm. I see.", Felix looked at Ji with a bitchy look.
"Well, we'll see how things will turn out.
Do you want to go grab a coffee at the café later and meet our friends?"

"Yeah sure, why not!"

"Good evening, what do you want to order? Oh it's you two. What's up?", Minho went to the table Jisung and Felix were sitting in.

"We wanted to see you working haha.", Felix laughed.

"He's joking we'll take two iced americanos, please~.", Jisung ordered with a big smile.

"Hey guys! I didn't see you coming in. How are you?", Hyunjin asked.

"Hey, Hyunjin. We're good and you?", Felix answered.

"Me too. How do you like the idea of making a party this weekend? Minhos parents are out of town.", the tall boy asked.

"They are? Lol!", Minho looked confused.

"Yess, so we're all by ourselves."

"Sounds great!", Felix and Jisung agreed.

"Great! I'm gonna text you what time and so on."


"Eh, Hyunjin.. why did you take pictures of us while we were sleeping?", Jisung asked.

Summer vacation| minsungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon