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"Hm that's weird."


"Minho didn't answer my question. Do you think he didn't like us? Or do you think he didn't like me? Was I too weird? He probably doesn't want to see us again!"

"Sungie calm down! He probably has to check if he's free tomorrow. Maybe he's meeting other friends!"

"Yeah, you are right."

"Also, you weren't weird, I think you too had a great connection! You care way too much about what others think of you. That's not good!"

"Yes, I know!"

"I just want you to love yourself! Or find somebody who makes you love yourself."

"You're so cute!"

"Aw, I know.", Felix laughed and the best friends hugged each other.

P.O.V. Minho

Am I for real? Why didn't I answer? Come on just write yes! Ughh, now it's too late. I'm sorry Jisung, I just don't like texting. I'm obviously not good at it! Well I'll apologise tomorrow!

P.O.V. Author

At this night Jisung sat down on the windowsill watching the stars and reflecting everything that happened to him so far. He was so greatfull for everything, he just couldn't put it into words, so Jisung decided to write a song.
He wrote late into the night with all of these lyrics floating of his brain.

Minho was also watching the stars and danced late into the night. He wanted to get everything off his mind and just be free for a moment.

The next day Felix woke up first and got into the kitchen. "Good Morning, Granny!", "Good morning darling!", she answered "How did you sleep?", "Good and you?", "Me too. Is Jisung still sleeping?", the grandmother asked "Yeah he is.", "Do you want to prank him like the good old says?", she whispered and smiled evil "Omg yes, lets do it!", Felix got really excited.
"I'll grab a bucket and put some water in it."
"Sounds like a plan!", Felix smiled.
After a minute they got all they needed and quietly got into Felixes and Jisungs room. Jisung was peacefully sleeping, completely in his own world.


A whole bucket of water was flushed onto Jisungs face. He stood up completely in shock trying to catch a breath. After a couple of seconds where he tried to understand what just happened to him, Ji looked at his grandma and his best friend with the maddest look he could do at that moment and screamed: "HAVE YOU BOTH LOST YOUR MINDS?! I told you not to do that anymore! Now me and the bed are all wet. You are going to clean this up!"

The pranksters couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous he looked.
"Look at it at the bright side. Now you don't need to shower anymore!", Felix laughed even harder.

"Very funny you guys.", Jisung said angrily.

"Oh come on, don't be like that! You know we love you.", his grandma tried to comfort him.
"Yeah yeah, now get out, I need to change!"

"Is this how you talk to your grandmother?"

"I'm sorry! Get out please~~.", Jisung put on a big smile on his face.

Ji looked at his clothes in the closet and chose the outfit he's going to wear to go to the coffee shop. He was so tired!

Summer vacation| minsungМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя